Page 207 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 207

JUSTICE                              177

                             The number of criminal trials before the Court of King's Bench,
                         in 1926, was 244; 165 convictioni'> resulted therefrom.    The offences
                         comprised 88 attempts against the person, 19 offences, with violence,
                         aga.inst property, 90, without violence, against property) 6 malicious
                         attempts against pl'operty, 3 forgeries and offences against currency,
                         22 other offences.
                             The following table indieates the number of reserved criminal
                         cases. The eight first courts mentioned sat in Montreal and the others in
                         Quebee. The latter part of the same table refers to appeals to the Court
                         of King's Beneh.

                                    55 -Criminal Cases reserved and Appeals in Civil maHers,
                                                  .          JtJUo.,,''''r~    1
                               DlsnnCTS    Total al  ------------------           Unrle.r  Not.
                                            appeal.  Total  l'ootümllllli Modifying 1Revoi";o  ,.,II'isoment  hefLrrl
                                          1       \
                                               Reserved caSE!$ in Criminal MaUers.
                           Mont,....). &'l!eiuu9  .. '1  40  31)  34  ·--..,.--·-"'5,---..,.----.,------;;-3-;""1-
                           Recorder  .. .  .    3     15      15                            4
                           :I1ontreaL C. K B.... ..  il  2    2                             6
                           Vi~:~o:~~~~o;:.~..   ~11                                         ~
                           St l,rancI•. C K. B  .  1   2      . 2  ..,     ,......  .. .. . ..  ,  .
                           Joliel,e  ,    '     2
                           Q\lcbec.C.I<.n  1   14
                           Othe,. (1)...  '1   7
                                           ----                                    "~"I-'-'-'~:"':'
                                TOTAL, . ••  ••  79   58      531~-,.        5
                                    Appeals in Civil Malters from the Superior Court's  Judgmenls
                                                      a) .Sillin~ al Q''''boo.
                           Abidb\         1     5      2      1                             3
                           Arlhub,,"ka .. ::::::::::  n  JO   5  1:          5              3
                           B,·auee......       16     J4      9              5              2
                           Chi{:nlll.jml.  ... ,  1]   8      7  L           2              2
                           Gnspe.. .. ...       2      2      2
                           Kamoura..<ika. .     ÇJ     7      5              2              2
                           Mootmagny.           7      6      3              3              l
                           1\'i(:r,let  , ,. .  l      1      1  ..
                           Quobec..  .   ' '1  ïO     (;6     44            22             13
                           R.imouski., .. , . . . . . . . . .  7  5  4       1              2
                           R.oberval...  . ... .  9    7      4              3              2
                           Sague""y     , . . .  5    IR 4    10 1                   il    )3 1
                           ::::ed:~î;;,~L" ~~,':'.'I--~~;~  150  99- -~~~r-sg- ~,'. ~1·--4f
                                                                  ...... '.
                           Liquor Comm lt::ision            --1---- --- - ----- ----
                                'fOTAL.   1--- --~
                           _____.....c.~... "  Il  --  ."~~_ •• .i..  8  • ,.  6  '..  .    ::1
                                                    0) Sillu,{\ al Montro'l!\l.

                                l'orAL •...    14     13     ID       1      :2             7
                                          1----1----+----- ----- ----1-----1----
                            PROVINCE o~ QUJ'lB>OC.  420  363  2U,     ,    149      2     230
                              ~l) roeluJII'l.~ o~c~ ~ubmitt~d III the {oi.lIJWW,N:.n('H,lDLie.s: Ablilui 1; Beauce, 1; -l-timonskl, 1; RobervAl, 2;
                           SfLguenay, 2,
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