Page 206 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 206
The number of offences against provincial laws was divided as
foLlows for the year 1926. The figures between parenthesis refer to the
previous year; license and liquor act, 881 (789); motor vehicles, 224
(142); fishing and hunting, 75 (69); other laws, 388 (393); a total of
1,578 (1.39:3) infractions. Violations of the ('riminal law amounted to
1,312 (1,236). The cases were divided as follows: simple assault 175
(107); murder or attempted murder, 8 (3); theft, 332 (189); loitering,.
196 (57); other offences than those mentioned, 601 (880). The numbel'
of offences against fedemIIaws amounted to 40.4 (347) divided as follows:
narcotics law 81 (17); other laws 332 (330).
54-District Mllgisfrates' Courl (Crimin[ll Jurisdiclion).-(Colltinued).
~umbeI UJld nalure Jf Arnoun~ 01 Dces imposed
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.'Jtbab".b. 40 28 15 210.00 6.00 1,3",.00 1.601.00
nen.ulw,Tl.wis .. 86 42 12 ~."'O. 00 BI 00 1,100.00 10,041.00
Bedford 51 73 78 1,6BO.00 89.00 3.870.00 5,619.00
CbiclJut.imi ... 238 "il 41
C;l,~P(! at Perte .. .. 1 11
Gn~pc n.(.. ~ew-Ca:rlisle .. 10 34 110.00 110.00 210.00
Hull .. 207 23 376 1$ B,:;S., 70 1,918.00 915.00 9,418.00
Hullol Duckingham, B :32;'>.00 325.00
Iberville. 49 83 Il 700.00 B2.00 231. 00 1,053.00
!(amouTMi!ta .... 60 24 5 1,346.00 11.00 240.00 4,607.00
Ivlont,lJlagny . 73 !SO 17 10.00 ],550.00 3,840.00
Nicolr~r... 12 1 .2::::.:: 1: 25.00 25.00
Pont.iA.c nt Bryaon.... 10 :J8 2 83.00 443 00
PouLiac at, VjlJe-).1arie .. 35 18 12 4,400.00 i20.00 100.00 4,520.00
Qu ai T..J.1iTuque. 24 2 100.00 ".00 ... 105.00
Richeli u. , 51 32 Il 1.757.00 65.00 246.00 2,068,00
TIimouaki 90 3 7'1 B l,Li'i. 00 27 00 57.00 200 00 1,455.00
nillJoUl'iklat Malalle. 21 2 32 1 215,00 10.00 122.00 10.00 357.00
Roberval .- 82 1 36 10 ~IR 00 21i5.00 2,800.00 3,933.00
St.. Franci~ .. 2'15 129 1.30 1O,14Û.OO 6.00 ~O.OO 7,';50 00 17.i31.00
SL. Hy'winl.he.. 21 26 10 415.00 115 00 50.00 518.00
Tp,.rrcbonne .. 70 3 50 Il ·1,730.00 40.00 ISO, 00 1,200.00 6,150 00
'rJlree Rivera 96 100 :J/.l 1,IlJ:D.OO 1.51.'5.00 2,600.00 5,74.000
-- 1---
To·r.\L. . .. 1,578 U I l ,312 4114 50,877.70 10 7.ooj 4,836 00 24.007.00 79,826.70
The fines imposed by the district magistrates, in 1926, amounted
to $79,826.70, comprising $50,877,70 for offences against provinaial
laws, $4,836 for infractions of the criminalla.w, and $24,007 for violation
of the internaI revenue act and other federai acts and $107 against
municipal laws.
The cases tried by the Court of King's Beneh, appeal side;numbered
420, in 1926, as against 499, in 1925. Of this Humber, 197 appeais came
before the court sitting at Quebec a.nd 223 before t.hat of Montreal.