Page 142 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 142
The rate-payers of the Province of Quebec, with the help of the
Government provide for the maintenance of their schools. The neces-
sary revenue for their operation is produced by a tax upon the imrnov-
ables of the municipality, the monthly contribution from each child
who should or can attend the public schools and certain contributions
or special taxes. The grants given by the Provincial Legislature are
a rnaterial help to the maintenance of primary schools and superior
and technical teaching. Poor municipaJities are given additional
The rate of the school tax, per hun.dred dollars, varies with the
different municipalities, according to requirements or the landed wealth
of the residents, amounting to more than three dollars in sorne districts
and only a fract'ion of a dollar elsewhere. Figures concerning this are
given in the Finanlial Statement of School Corporations, which is published
every year 1 by the Bureau of Statistics. This booklet supplies full
details concerning each municipality. The school corporations have
the power to seize and sell the real property and effects of the persons
inscribed on the assessment roll in order to recover amounts due.
Table 52 supplies the total of the amounts collected each year to
insure the proper working of the school system of the Province. In
1925, the annual tax amounted to $14,550,464, which was paid by
357,891 proprietors. The number of persons paying a monthly con-
tribution was 145,440 and the estimated value of the taxable immovable
property was $1,758,689,892.
52-Total Contribulions ror Schools.
Pait! by lhè rat~y~l's
Cootribu- Gavern-
Lion.~ Total
YEARS Annunl Special ::I-fonl,hly "r inciû[JcrI- ment.
dent :::Il) .- Totnl
Tax T,lX fces iriizoo grnnt.s
5 ~ 1 $ S ~ $ 28,(J~,5(]~
1924-25 , 14,650,464 97H,890 636,261 9,043,636 25,209,2'.fil 3,771,317
1923-24 .. , ...• , •...... L:1,&;O,167 1.~4~ 61Z,311 &,67U.-I:i7 24,lH,Otl3 3,77Il,Oï5 27,Ulï,73~
lU12-23., , ...••.... 12,4~'i,783 90EWl8 600,717 S,~(JO,(HO 22,I:il;,I51, 3,ZO 1.111 2539û,269
lnl-22 , , 11,7&'; 793 ~Oï,7i'>a ;,20.4\1S 8,ISO,ï:l4 Z1.361,ï!18 2,110:"109 Z3,~ïZ, 197
1920-21 ..', ...• , 10,796,41;8 71 :;,3,'~ 49ï,6~3 7,iü:!.000 11l,771,MS 2.3 Il.,471 2~.122,97S
191!}-ZO" •.•.•........ ' U,l8!,291; 62U,23:, 449,0,,0 6,610,ïlK 16,~l37,2ni 2,3:H,109 19,201,40û
1918-19 , ,. 8,W.U..I' 2 I,H,\I5I; 405,070 5,622.010 14,6 c'.70S 2,145,970 16. 'H,684
1917-18 .. , .•. ,...... 0,2-15,140 O'I,ïOJ 376,097 5,1!l)l.;t-l9 12,4(1,',,301 2,077,.5139 14,~ .2.870
1916-17 ... , •....... , .. 5,nD3,lô5 ~"I,IH 416,113 -l,\.r.l.tI~'2 Il ,,0.37 ,4.;1 2,01>8,71)6 13/1:. ,220
1915-16... "'" ,.,712,430 319,53~ 365,981 4,10.5 :l'.t HJ/):~3.ifH' 1 1,882,~~ 12,416,607
19]4-15 , ..... , ... 5,124,12l ~21r7'i1a 347,923 3.\1, 7,~9 9,0- J.20G 1.782,417 Il ,463,623
454.7 ,
1913-14 , , •...... 4.5SO,S211 tïl.i.H~ • 340,051 1,315,O~U) 7,172,::;70 I,i 2'1,110 8,896,989
1912-13" ..•...•... ,. 5,' 14.785 370,809 1,526.(;~,j 7,6m,OG5 1,5~9,OO6 9.226,071
1911-12 3,4~3.1l38 40\1,6 1 284,946 2r02·1j~15 6,2t2,HO l.30~;~';i'O 7,514,310
1QI0-11 , 3,111,713 3J:1.274 277,280 Z,O'" 7 5.7~!l, 104 1,06':;.139 6,794.r.n
1909-10 ,........ 2,764, '!12 '1[~;:,t3~~ 21f>.933 J ,bOl,O! 5.302,1:10 908.391 6,21O,r,:W
1908-09 ......•....... ' :l,·lf,7,81)() :i22,3511 250,8,,3 1.1I111.~'H 4,û8O,4l0 8:)7,450 5,5L7t~ü6
1907-0S.. Z,:Hl,U311 1) 2,.i9' 245,SOO 1,.'. ~,~3 4.41' :,,537 fo~3.410 5,148,\}·7
gg~gl: :::::::::::::: î:~6H~ Z32,b'J8 2B3,00~ ! 1"1~71145 4.o.'lO,7H f,10,1\50 4,.',n ,:ml
3, 12,402
1904-05 ....•..... ,.. 1,7511,r.II7 102.7SCJ 250,034 1..11)4,337 3,fi\lo(i,7,,~ 480,760 4,084.~·Hg
1903-04 , . . . . .. 1,1)5S,I~HU 210,379 239,533 [,3.H,573 3~3.4.7,11:) 469,280 J,~16.395
1902-03, '" , .... ,. 1,510,071 164,1D5 260,817 1,3\13..901 3.~ ,074 <1<4,964 3,n8,033
1901-02. , .. , ,.. 1,3!14,03C. 161,495 21ü.316 1.280.203 3,051,109 473,450 ~ •.)34,;)5U
1896-97 " •. .. 1,1l)~,~:l,) 91.623 198,491 1.171,102 Z,659,4f>1 3~1.760 3,051,211
1801-92 .. " . !J:l',O:]:l 81,5:12 ) ;1~,()!J7 1,0:'14,194 2,Z06.450 :J:J2,753 2,429,2U6
Enrao~ lrom EdurotiDnal Slati.,i••, 1926. Quebeo.