Page 46 - index
P. 46

Practising  and  Applying  the  Standards  45
                                     circumstances as the  above  refugees,  and  settled  in either
                                     of  the  Six Nations  Resen~es on the  Grand  River  or Bay
                                     of  Quinte.
                                     The UEL Association has Affiliate memberships  for those
                                   eligible  descendants  who  are  unable  to  swear  the oath of
                                   allegiance to the Crown, and/or who are citizens of an alien
                                   country. There  are Associate  memberships  for  otherwise
                                   interested  parties  who  wish  to  receive  the  semi-annual
                                   journal  The Lyalii-t  Gayette. blany  UEL Branches  are  active
                                   across  Canada.  The membership application  is  made  to  a
                                   Branch  on a  standard  form; you  may  wish  to  choose  a
                                   Branch  near  your  own  place  of  residence,  or in  the  area
                                   where  your  Loyalist  ancestor lived.  Each  Branch  has  a
                                   genealogist who can assist you in completing the application,
                                   and  give  additional  research  advice  about  sources  and
                                   procedures,  if  necessary. Applications  with  the  required
                                   documentation  are  then  forwarded  to the Dominion  level
                                   for review, and the successful applicant receives a Certificate
                                   of  Membership  from  the Association.
                                     The  submission  of  evidence,  for  direct-line  connection
                                  with  a  Loyalist  ancestor,  follows  the  same  methods  of
                                  genealogical  research  we  all  use,  back  through  each
                                  generation.  W7hen you  reach  the  man  or woman  who
                                  apparently was  in  this  province in  the  eighteenth  century,
                                  your next job is to search out all evidence that that particular
                                  person  received  a  Loyalist  privilege,  or was  considered  a
                                  Loyalist  by  the  contemporary  authorities.  The  UEL
                                  application  form  will  be  your  guideline  for  "acceptable
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