Page 87 - index
P. 87
The award sliall not \>v iiivalidutod by reason (jf any want of I'onn, or
other tcclinical objection, it" tlie award states clearly tlu' sum to be paid n
and the lands or other property for which such sum is to be compensation. d
Any party to the arbitration may, within one month after reoeivingf a a
written notice from one of the arbitrators of the makinjf of the award,
appeal therefrom upon any (piestion of law or fact to a jud^^fe of the High
Upon payment or legal tender of the compensation awarded, the com-
pany may take j)ossession of the land, and if resisted the sheritt'or a bailifl'
may |)lace the same in possession. A of possession may also be
obtainrd from the bulge to take possession before the awar<l is given, if
the company shows .satisfactory reason that innuediate po.ssession is neces-
Hiiry, anti by giving sticnrity to his .satisfaction and in a .sum not less than
dcnililc tlic amount mentioned in tlu( notic;-, to pay the award or deposit
the same within one month after the award is made.
("orirr HOUSES .wn (i.voLs.
The County < Vnnifil may pass by-laws for erecting, improving and
maiiilaining a eonrt -house, gaol, of correction and house of indu.slry,
ami provide for the loud, fuel and other su])plies rr(|uired for the sam(\
If the is to be erected within the limits of a city the by-
law may jjiovide for accjuiring such land as may be necessary.
4I."». County Gaols in City. The gaol, and house of
connection of the oounty. loentfd in a city oi' town which is not separated
for all purposes from the county, shall also serve foi- the purposes of the
city or town mitil the Council of the city or town directs. 'I'he
sheriff", gaoler ami kee))er of the house of correction shall receive, and safely
keep, until duly discli,irge(l, all pei'.sons committed thereto by the com])e-
tent authorities of the county, city or town.
4M». City Gaols and Court Houses. The ("(juncil of a city may by-laws for the enaction, improvement, regulation and maintenance of
a court-house, gaol. ho\ise of correction and house of indiis'i-^- within the
411. Custody of Gaols. The Hheiiff has the care >>( the county
gaol, otiices !ind gaolers' a])ai'tments, and the a])pointment of th»- keeper.s,
but their salaries are fixed by the County Council. 'i'he Inspector of
Prisons and Public (/harities possesses power of revision.
4IS. Gaolers. The appointment ami dismissal of gaolers are subject
to the ap]»ro\al of the liieuteiiant-OoveiMior.
The gaoler shall have a yearly .salary, and nuist not tlemand or receive
any fee., or other payment, from any prisoner confined within
the gaol.
In case a \acancy occurs in the office of gaoler, the SheriH" may M.|)point
another jiro te}n. or himself ex officio.