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                      84                  MUNICIPAL LAW.
                      tlie same arbitrators for consideration, or to other persons wlioin the ('(jurt
                      may appoint, and may modiiy, incrcjise, or diminish the award.
                          405. Appeals and Motions Against Awards.  Awards tiiat rc(|uire
                      adoption by tlie (onncil, before tlusy become bindinj^ on the corporation
                      may l)e moved a:.fainHt witliin mie inontli after their lulojilxni.
                          Awards that do not re(|uire such adoption, but aio subject to apjx'al,
                      the appeal is to tlie H.j:fli Court, and from the High Court to the Court of
                          Motions to set aside such avvai'd must be niiide within six weeks after
                      the pul)lication tliereof, except under special circumstances, when the Court
                      may allow the application after said time.
                          401». Actions Against Municipal Corporations.  Actions  brou<,dit
                      against  municipalities  for acts done under  illegal  by-laws,  orders, or
                      resolutions, must not be brought until one month  after such by-law  li;is
                      been (|uashe<l or repealed.
                          •lOT. Notice of Action.  One month's  notice  in  writing must  be
                      given tlie corporat on of the intention to bring  .such action  The action
                      must bo against the corpoi-ation, and not against the individual acting
                      under the by-law.
                          40S. Tender of Awards.  If, in the preceding action, the corpoia-
                      tioii  tiMiders awards to the  plaintiH", or his solicitor, and such tender  is
                      pleadeil and proved, and if no more than the amoi'.nt tendered is recavertid,
                      then the plaintiff shall have no costs allowed.
                          Anil in case a claim  is made, or action  is brought for damaires for
                      alleged negligence on the part of municipalities, the Council may tender or
                      pay into Court (as the case may be) the amount they consider proper C(jm-
                      pensation, and if this is refuseil, and action prociieded with, and no greater-
                      amount is recovered, the costs of the suit will be against the plaintiff'.
                          40!>. Arbitrating Division Court Cases.  The Judge may, by consent
                      of both parties to an action, order the sum  t(.) be referred to the arbitration
                      of such person, or persons, and on such terms as seems to him just; or, the
                      parti(!s themselves may, by writing, agree to retV'r the matter in dispute to
                      till! arbitrament of a jierson name  i in the agreement, which  sliill be  tiled
                      with the Clerk.  Neither party can revoke the agreement to arbitrate,
                      without the co.isi'iit of the .lildge
                          On application within iourteeii days after i\w entry of the award, the
                      Juiln'e may, if Ik; thinks tit, .set aside the award  : or may. with tlie consent
                      of b:)tli parties oi'der another reference.
                          410. Boundary Line Disputes  Where all the parties to  tlii> dis
                      pute consent, application may be made to the dudge of the (Jouiity (^ourt
                      to name a special  referee, who  will hear the evidence deduced by the
                      parties, and define', by such posts and monuments as he deems  suliicient,
                      the true boundiiry line, and his report siiall have the effect of a binding
                      awai'il, which may  lie registeniil  ijy either jiarty thereto  in the proper
                      registry office against the l-'uds affijcted t'lereby.
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