Page 83 - index
P. 83

ti2                 MUNICIPAL LAW.
                       appointod shall clioosc a tliinl, aii<I in dcifault of their doiny; so. at tho expira-
                       tion of twenty-one days, the Lieuti-nant-Clovernor in Council, on application
                       of any one of the municipalities, may appoint the other arbitrator.
                          JWI.  Several Persons Being  Interested  in  a  case wheie  irnl
                       property has lieen taken l»y a municipality, althouj^li not all inteic^t  '
                       the same piece of ])roperty, the Council may, l>y liy-law, providi  ill
                       s(i( h claims shall he disposed of at one .iwaid.
                          ;M>5J.  Council may  Initiate Proceedings.  In  ( tlw other pai'y
                       intcrestiii  in the pro])erty  \\i\s not serxi'il notici' of urhitralion upon the
                       niunicMjtality, the ('ouncil may sriAc upon sucli  per.son  Ji  eertitti'd copy of
                       the hy-lfiw together with a notice  in writiiii,' of the Mppointment of an
                       arlifti'atoi- on lielialf of the municipality.  ( H. S.  (  )., |.S!)7, ('iiap. 2'2U. Sictions
                       4.')  I -4.')8).
                          In case of one  iiuli\ idual. lie must within seven days ajipoini  his
                       arbitrator; hut in several are interested, as in Section 'W}. tiny li,i\i
                       twi'nty-one days allowed  for such  aj)poiiitiMi'iit  ;  jiiid  in cmsc of drainay'e
                       twenty d;iys.
                          lliKt-  County Judge may Appoint nn  .irljitnitor upon applicatitm
                       of cither Jiarty  if  oni'  fails to ap])oint within  tlic time provided, or an
                       arbitrator  f.-iils or refuses to  iict.  Such arbitratoi' must  lie a resident of
                       the munici]);ility in whicli the piojierty is situated.
                          1194.  Time for Making Award.  The arliitratoi's shall mak(! their
         h            award within one month aftei' the ap|ioinlment of the third arbitrator.
                          ISJKV Persons Disqualified from actin^j as arbitrat(»rs  in  iiiunici]»al
                       arbitratit>ns are mendiers or otlieers of, or persons employed  1)\-, the corpora-
                       tion.  Merely  beini,^ a  r;ite|>ay(>r  in  tin- munici)alit,y does not disi|ualify,
                       urdess the  arl)itrati()n  relates to draina;;e  miilei- the  jirovisions  nl'  the
                       Municipal Act.
                          J60tt. Arbitrator's Oath.  Kvi-ry arliitiator. bel'ore  proceedin;:- to  ti-y
                      the matter of the arbitration, shall  t;ike and prescribe to the followiiie-
                      oath (or atlirmatioii) bi'I'oi-e a Justice of tlii' Peace;  "  \ (A. H.) do swear (o7-
                      aflirm) that  I will well and truly try the matters referred to  nie  liy the
                       parties, and a true and impartial award make  in the pninises.  .•.ecoi-din;.'^
                       to the evidence and my skdl and knowli'dec.  .So jielp nie  ( lod.
                          1197 Time to Meet.  The arbitrators are  re(|uired to nuet within
                       twenty days aftei- the appointment of the  /////</ .ii'bitiator, at such place
                      as they may a^n'ce upon, to  heai- and determine the matter  in di.spute.
                      Th(^y M)ay atljourn  fivjni time to time.  Tlieii- award must be  in  writinj,;,
                      and  .shall he binding on all  parties, one cojjy of which must be  liled  wit'li
                      tlie ('!erk of each niuin'cipality intere.><ted.
                          ;J98. Awarding Costs.  The arbitrators nuiy awanl payment of costs
                      a<;ainst either of the parties  or a portion of them; thev may <lirect the
                      payment of a fixed sum, or that the costs be taxed, on the .scale of either
                      court havin<r Jurisdiction,  If  the  fees paid  in  df) not exceed  i^SKK),  it
                      will  i)e on the scale of the Division Coui't, but  if they exceed  .'ii'lOO, then
                      on tlu^ scale of the Countv Court.
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