Page 91 - index
P. 91
4114. Indigent Inmates Tht' County Council may puss by-laws for
conniiittiii;; indi^ront pursous for a period not exfocdin;,' twolve months.
4U.V Inspectors' Annual Reports. Tlu- Inspector of such houstis of
industiy is rt'i|uirtd to ki'op ami render annually', or as often as re(|uir(>d
by the ('ouneil, full accounts of all receipts and expenditures, the names of
nil persons received into tlie house and those discharj^tMl, and also thoir
earnin;,fs, a cop^' of which report must be presented to the liO;,nslature.
4:{<». Commitments to House of Industry. Any two ma^ristrates,
or the inspectors of such of industry may, by writinj;, under their
liands and seals, connnit the following,' classes of persons to the houses of
industry or of refuj^e :
1. I'oor and indigent persons, incapable of aupiK)itin<^ themsi'lves.
2. Persons without means of support, but are able to work and nd'use
to do so.
'A. I'ersons leadinif a lewd, dissolute and vaj>rant life, and exercisinj^
no ordinary calling,' sutficient to {^ain an honest livinj;.
r 4. Persons who spend iheir time anil property in pul)lie-houses to the
ne^dect of any lawful calling'.
.'). Idiots.
4111. Punishment of Inmates. Inmates who are tit and able are to
be re}j;ularly employed durinif their continement, and in case any such
persons are idle or refractory they may be jiunished accordinj; to the
rejjulations of said house of industry or refuf:;e.
4IW. Houses of Correction. The Council of every city and town
may pass by-laws for establishing within the city or town, or the industrial
farm, or on jfrounds held by the municipality for public exhil)ition, a
workhouse, or house of correction, and proviile for their govcriniient and
conunitments thereto as in followinj; section :
4lt9. Who to be Committed. The; mayor, police maj^istrate or any
justice of the peace havinj^ jurisdiction within the municipality may
conunit, either with or without hard labor, disorderly persons, drunkards,
vagiants, indiffents and such persons as are iianuMl in Section 4.'i(), aa
the; Council may deem and, by by-law, declare to be expedient. Such
farm and aforesaiil houses shall be deemed to be within and under the
jurisdiction of the nnmicipality.
Until such house of correction is established in a county tlie common
j;aol is constituted such house.
440. Inebriate Asylums. The Comicil of every city haviii};' a
population of .')0,000 or over may pass by-laws for establishini^ witliin the
city an institution for the reclamation and cure of habitual drunkards.
For providin}.;; that the mayor, police maijistrat(! or a justice of the
peace may send habitual drunkards and such other persons as enumerateil
in Section 4.SG, and as by the ( 'ouneil may be deemed expedient.
In case .such institution is establishe<i in any city, Sections 97 to lOS
of Chap. 31S, R. S. O., 1897, shall apply thereto.