Page 92 - index
P. 92
Ml'MCIPAl- LAW. 91
441. Municipal Officers. I'ln' couiK-ilN of countirH, towiishipH,
cities, towns uiiii villains iiuiy piiss liy-luws lor tlif uppoiiitnn'iit of all
oMictTH iiccoHHiiry in the iitf'airs of tiu' coiporation.or for ( iirryinj^ intf) t'U'cct
tho provisions of any Act of the Li';j;islatuie or any by-law of the
corporation, and also fca* the removal of snch oHieers.
It is lawful for a nieniber of the corporation to act as commissioner,
superintendent or overseer oveiany road or woik undertaken, in whole or
in |iart, at the expense of the municipality : and it shall also he lawful for
the municipality to pay such member acting' in said capacity.
The Council shall also rcfjulate the remuneration, fees, charfjes and
duties of such ofHcers, and tho securities to be j,dven for the performance
of such duties.
44'i- Board of Audit. Kvery County Council at its first meeting,' in
each year shall ap])oint two persons, one only of whom may belonj; to the
Council, to be a Hoard of Audit for the county accounts.
Such Hoard of Auditors may be paid a sum not e.xceedinf^ 1?4 each
per day, for their attemlance at such amlit, ami Hve cents per mile
necessarily travelled in j,'oin;i; to and from .such audit.
4411- Remuneration of Councillors. Councils of counties and town-
Hhij)s may pass by-laws for the ])ayment of meudjers of Council for m
attendance at Council, or attendance on Committee of the Council, at a rate
"1 '1
not exceeding S.S per day and five cents per mile necessarily travelled
to and from such attendance.
444. Remuneration of Aldermen. The councils of cities having: a
population of lOO.OOO or over may fix an annual reminieration, not exceed-
ni^ '!<'MH), may be paid aldermen : and that an additional ainiual reminiera-
tion not exceedinir SIOO, may be paiil the ehairnian of thi' Stan<ling
Conniuttees, an<l of the Court of Kevi.sion and tho Local Hoard of Health.
It shall also be provided in reyanl to such aldermen or chaii'irien there
shall be deductions from such remuneraticju for absence from meetings of
Council, committees, Court of Revision, or Board of Health.
445. Gaol Surgeons The councils of counties, cities, and separated
towns may, in addition to other otlicers, apjioint one or more ins|)ectors of
the house of industry, one or more sur<,feons of the <i;aol and other institu-
tions under municipal charj,'e, and provide for the removal of such officers.
440. Overseers of Highways. Township c(juncils may appoint
overseers of lii<jhways or pathmasters, to make or keep open township
roads durin<j the season of sleif>;hin<^. Such officers have full power to call
out persons liable to perfoi-m statute labor withiti their respective munici-
palities to assist in keeping open such roatls, and may give to such persons
certificates of having performed statute labor to the number of days' work
done, which shall be crcflited on their next season's statute labor.