Page 88 - index
P. 88
Also, wluMv a vacancy occurs in tlie office oi jfaolur and the averaj^G
nuinhcr of person.s for this last preceding tliree years endin;; Deceniljer 3 1st
did not exceed six [ler day tor any one year, the County Council need not
appoint another jfaoler but arranj^e with t\w Sheriff to he tx-olficio <^a(jlor.
4I!>. Care of Court-Houses |The County Council have the care
ol' the court-house and all the ofhces, rooms and <rrounds connected there-
with, esen thou^^h I'orininif a separate huilrlini;-. Tiiey also have the
appointment of tlie keepers; must provide for liffhtini;, heatiuff, cleaninjj
and also necessary accommodation ; fuel, light, stationery, and furniture for
the courts of justice (except the division couiis) and for the library for the
Liiw Association of the County; and also pvovide proper offices, together
with fuel, light, stationery and furniture for the officers of such courts,
except the otKcers of the Maritime Couit of Ontario and official assignees.
The Council may permit the use of the court-room for the Division
Court, and receive as com])ensation the sum of !^5 for every day in which
the court is held in the laiildinir.
4*40. Costs and Expenses of Court-Houses. Cities and separ-
ated towns shall as parts of their respective counties, for judicial purposes,
bear their just pro])ortion of all charges ineun-ed in erecting and main-
taining the courthouses and gaols, for all the proper reipiirements of such
buildings and charges relating to criminal justice (except con.stables fees
and charges connected with coroner's iiKpiests and such otlu!r charges as
the counties are entitled to i)e repaiil by the Province).
4''5I. Arbitrating Amount of Compensation. In the Council
of the city or separated town and the County Council cannot agree as to
the respective amotnit the city or town should contribute for the use of the
court-house, gaol or liouse of correction, care and maintenance of prisoners,
etc., the .same shall lie determined i>y arbitration.
The arbitrators must take into account the original cost of the site,
erection of l)uildings, ivpairs and in.surance, as well ;is the cost of main-
taining pi-isoncrs, and salai'ies of officials.
Aftfi' five years from the time the compensation was agreed ujton or
awarde<l, either party by application to the Lieutenant-tiovernor in
Council may have the amount of e(impeiisati(m reconsidered and settled
ant'W. I'itlicr by agrecuHMit or aibitration
4't't. Disunion of Counties- In case of a separation of uniteil
counties, the rules, regulations and statutes coucerning court-houses or
gaols ill force at the time of sepjiration shall extend to the junior county
court huuse and gaol.
4'i;{ City and County Court-House In eisos wlien a city is le-
(|uired ti» eontrilmte tuwai'd the cost of erecting a court-house conniieneeil
on or since .M.irch Mb. bSNO, the city .shall not be bound to pay for any
subsiMjUent expenditure in respect thereto, unless the .same has been pre-
viously agreed to or decided by arbitration. The Council .f the city shall
have a voice in the si'lcction of the site for the and g,i>)l,aiid in of failure to agree as t" the siti- the matter be settled by
arbitr tion.