Page 89 - index
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8H                  MUNICIPAI. r.AW.
                        4*i4. Amalgamation of Gaols.  If tluf ihihiImt of prisoner.s confined
                     ill any j,'aol tiuiiii^' two yt-ars tiKiiii^- Dcccmbor .'{Ist iiiiiiu'iiiati'ly prt'coiliiifj
                     (Iocs not. (ixcec'ii on an average  oi"  I'onr  |i('r d ly I'or (ritiuT  ol'  suoli ycaiH
                     and tlic Inspector  oi" I'risons deeiiis  it advisable  to keep tlie prisoners of
                     siieli county  in  tlie  ^^aol  oF an  adjoiiiiii<f county,  fclie  ('oiincils  ol'  tiie
                     ri'spect-ive counties nuiy nj^ree to sueli an arriin;:;eiiientand, l>y proelaniation
                     oi' the Ijicutcnant-t ovenior, tlie ^aol of sudi adjoinin;:; county shall Imeome
                     tlie coiiinion ;^aol oi" the Hrst-nuMiti()ne<l county.
                        Such an airan;,n'inent cannot be atl'ected unless there  is direct railway
                     coiiiniunication betwcten the two county towns.  Also, there must  be a
                     HufFicient lock-up  in  or near  .said  ccaiiity town of  the
                     county I'or the safe custody of prisoners broiii^fht th(>re.
                        Such  ajfreeiiient may  c Jiitinuo  i"or  five years and  thereafter, until
                     varied or ttsrininated by agreement, or arbitration, or proclamation of the
                     iii( ut.enant-Governor.
                        4'r5.'». Joint Ownership of Court-House.  The statutes provide that
                     tiie ('ouiicil of an}' c(anity, and the Council of any city or town in the
                     county, but .separated for municipal purposes, to cntc* into an aj^reement:
                       ° I. Kor the purchase of land within the county town for tln' erection of
                     suitable buildinjfs for the use of the ccauity and city or town for municipal
                     and judicial purposes.
                        2.  h'or the erection, maintenance, use, management ;ind control t)f such
                        {{. For ascertaining;- and  lixiiii^' the amount  citcli  municipality  is to
                     contribute for such purposes
                        4. Kor the sub,se(pient disposition of such land and  buildinj,fs, iukI of
                     any insurance or other moiusys that may be received in respect thereof, and
                     to pass all such by-laws as may be necessary  for purehasinjj; such lands,
                     and tluf carryinjf out of any such a<;roem(Mit.
                        4!!U». Separate Insurance.  The (!ouncil of each municipality inter-
                     ested in such court-house and '^luA may, in jjioportion to the amount they
                     ans  liable  to contribute towards such  buildiii<;s, insure  their  interests
                        4?J1. Separation of City or Town from County  Where  a city
                     or town has withdrawn froir. the county for municipal purposes, and the
                    county has paid to such city or town eomjieiisation aecordinj; to agreement
                     or award, for the amount contributed by .said town or city prior to its
                     .separation, towards such court house, gaol, of eori'ection or rejjistry
                    office, and the city oi covvn has not erected .se])arate buildin;;s. it shall pay
                    a sum equal to five per cent, per annum of the amount tlif county paid to
                    such city or town.  This shall be in addition to the amount orijjinally
                    a<freed upon for such city or town to pay towards th(^ mainteiianee of such
                        4*i8. Enlargement of Buildings after Separation.  Where a city
                    or a separated town has, before July  1st, 1897, been  ^aid by the county
                    after the .separation, for its interest in such court-house and  j^aol. of
                    correction or reijistry office, and where the city or town tias not erected
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