Page 82 - index
P. 82


                                     MUNICIPAL LAW.                   HI
                     Where the High Court, or a Judge thereof, has reaKOii to fear any
                 o'.i'iuis or encunibrauces, or tlie person to whom the conipenaation is pay-
                 able  refuses or cannot bo found to execute the proper conv(!yance, the
                 corpoiation may pay sucli compensation into tiie office of tlie Accountant
                 of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario with interest at  (J per
                 cent, per annum for six nionths, and deliver to .sucli accountant a copy of
                 the agreement, conveyance or award, which shall be deemed a sufficient
                 title to the corporation of the land in question.  (See 11. S. O., 1897, Chap.
                 22;}, Section 44(5).
                     I18-I. Tender of Compensation.  If the  Council, when claims  lor
                 eompen.sation or diimages are made against them, tender the amount tliey
                 ileenj to be proper and the claimant I'cfuse to accept, and as a result of the
                 arbitration an award not greater than the amount so tendered, the costs for
                 the aibitration shall, unless othei' ordered by the arbitrator, be against
                 the claimant.
                     IW.V Claims Under $I,000-  In cities or towns wIkm-c the Council
                 and the claimant cannot agree and the amount claiuicd does not exceed
                 .'if I, ()()(), shall bo determined by the Judge of ('ounty Court sitting as sole
                 arbitrator; or, at the option of either party, sucl^ other party as sole arbi-
                 trator as the Judg(! on ajiplication of either party may appoint.  In sutth
                 {;asc the other J)arty must have seven day.s' notice of audi application.
                     liHti. Seven Days' Notice.  Kitlier party  is  entitl(>(l to seven clear
                 days' notice (exelnsivi; of  the; day of .service of the notice) of the wish of  1  «;'
                 the other party to havi> an arbitration.                            !'.'
                     llH'i- Appointment of Arbitrators must be  in  writing, signed by
                 the appointer.s.
                     In  c;is(^ of a coiporation the appointment must be  inider seal and
                 autln'iitieated in similar manner to  r, by-law.                      fi.
                     Arbitrators on behalf of a municipal coi'|)oration shall  b<> aj)pointed by
                 the Council, or i)y the head of the Council, if so authorized by a l)y-law.
                     liHH. Either Party Ma> Appoint any arbitrator and give notice, in
                 writing, to the other party, calling upon. him to appoint another.  In case
                 of a corporation it must be given to the head thereof.
                     'Pile two thus appointed shall, within seven days after the appointment
                 of the last one, ajipoint, in writing, a third arbitrator.
                     liHii Neglecting to Appoint  In  of  municipalities,  if  for
                 twenty-one days after iiceiving such notice to appoint the l)arty, neglects
                  to appoint an a)'l)itrator  ; or if for st>ven days after the second arbitrator
                 has been appointed the two neglect to appoint a third; then,  i\:;  it is
                  lietween townsliips, or a t<jwnshi|) and a town or village, the County Judge
                  may appoint an arbitrator for the party in default.  If between other
                  iMuni('i])alities,  tlu^n  tlu; Lieutenant-Oovernor in  (^ouncil  will make the
                     ;W0 More than two Municipalities being interested, each one will
                 appoint an  arbitrator, and  if there  is an equality the arbitrators thus
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