Page 7 - index
P. 7
.V Filing the Petition. Tin- iM'titiDii t'oi' iiicoriini-atioii imist lie Hltil
with the ( "Icrk nl' the ('(Hiiity oiii,' iiiDiitli Ix't'orf tlic iiH'otiii;;' ol' tlic Ct»iiiity
Council. Notice of the iij)|ilicatioii I'or iiicorpoi'iitioii must 1)L' <;i\('M two
inontlis hoi'oi'o tlic lufctiiii,^ of .suiil (.'o'nicil by |)ul)liciitioM t'oi' two consecu-
tive wcc1\h in .some Mcwspapci- witliin or nearest to tlic locality seeking'
ii. Village Formed from Two Counties. In case the vil]aj;t ll.'S
within two or more countii's, apjilication must he madt; to each, The
councils .shall annex it to onebl' the counties.
ir witiiin six months al'tcr the petitions for incorporation an
.sontctl the councils do not a;;i'ee to which county the villaj;e shall l)e
annexed, the wardens of the counties shall memorialize the Lieviteiiant-
Govei'nor in Council, statin^' the <fr(anids of diti'erence hetwcen the councils,
and thereupon the J^ieutenant-Covernor may, h}' pi'ociamation, annex the
village to one of the counties.
In case the wardens fail to do ,so within one month after the expira-
tion of the said six months, then one hundred of the freeholders and resi-
dent tenants on the Census List may petition the Lieutenant-Ciovernor to
settle the matter, and thus have the village annexod to one of tiie counties.
The councils of the respective counties and the village sliall agree as
to the amount, if any, of the county lial)ilities to lie boi'iie l)y the locality
to be detached, and if the councils do not agree within three months the
matter nmst be settled by arbitration.
1. Incorporation of Towns. A village having a population of two
thousand inhabitants may liecome a town by means of the following
proceedings and conditions :
1. A census may Ite taken at any time under the authority of a
by-law of the Village Council.
2. Notice of the intention of the Council to apply to the Lieutenant-
Governor in Council for the erection of a village into a town, stating the
limits intended to be includeil therein, nuist be given for tiu'ce niontiis,
after the census returns, by insertion in some newspaper ptd)lish(.>(l in the
village. If no new.spaper is ])ublished therein, then the Council must for
three months post up a notice in four of the most public places in the
village and in.sert the same in a newspaper published in the county town,
and if no newspaper is published in the county town, then in a news-
paper published nearest to said village.
. 3. The census returns nuist be certiticd to under the signature of the
head of the Council and bearing the corporate seal, also proofs of tiic'
publication of the notice of incorporation as aforesaid, all of which nmst
accomjiany the a|)plication to' the Lieutenant-Governor in Council for
incorporation. Then the Lieutenant-Governor, by proclamation, may enct
the village into a town under the name given thereto in the proclamation.
8. Incorporation of Cities. A town iuiving a population of over
fifteen thousand inhabitants may be erected into a city by following the
same procedure as given in jjreceding section for the incorporation of a,