Page 4 - index
P. 4


                  'T'HIS volume is oivoii to  tlie ])ublic, not as a  Icgiil liaiulljook  fcjr the
                      pi'ol'ession, Imt  lathcr  as a  carofully pivparod  digest  of  tliose
                  inii'tions of tlie Municipal Laws of Ontario that are of special interest to
                  the general public.
                     The Nulue of such a work  ilepeutl.s, of course, uj)on  its accuracy, and
                  the publisher trusts that  in  tiiis respect a satisfactory result has been
                     Although not anticipating freedom from criticism, the hope is cherished
                  tiiat its convenient form plainness of language and general classification
                  (if matter  will meet with the approval of those who, through private
                  interest ov public duty, de.iire a fuller knowledge of our nnuiicipal institu-
                  tions, a b.'tter aciiuaintance with the marvellous machiner}' devi.sed for the
                  management of our local  affairs, and a more critical  ki owledge of those
                  <lomestic laws with which every individual in the connniuiity is so immedi-
                  ately concerned.
                     The copious index at the end of the book will be found a very import-
                  ant part of  this volume to those who may use  it largely as a book of
                     The second i)art of the work embodies a summary' of the Parliamentary
                  llules of Order, or the Laws  ( lovei-ning ])ebate adopted  b}' tlie Canadian
                  House of C'onunons and the Ontario Legislatiu'e, which are applicable to
                  the council chamber, tlie convention and the lodge. A critical knowledge
                  of the laws and usages governing deliberative and legislative assemblies  id
                  u .source of pleasure to all who Lake an active  ))art in their proceedings;
                  but efjpecially desirable to thc^se who  ai'e called ui)on to preside,  it may
                  l)e found necessary to enlai'ge this part of the w'ork in subsequent editions.
                      The publisher wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to the Parlia-
                  mentary Library for the use of the Sessional I'apers, Debates and Journals
                  of the, to C'usliiag's JIanual, and to the Procedure of Public 3leet-
                  ings, by J. G. P)Ourinot, in arranging the matter contained in the latter
                  portion of this work.
                                                         TlIK  PciU.ISllEI!.
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