Page 3 - index
P. 3


                     TF  purchiifspi's  oi" tliis xoluint;, who (k'ein tlie t'nllowin^' iiroxision.s
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                     imf^e, to l)e entinxMl in a ref^'istcr, they' may obtain", for 'the small fee
                     •1)1' ten cents each year,  (jne week after the close of the Ontai'io
                     Legislature, a nrinted sheet nivinj;' the new lej^'islation and what-
                     «'ver amendmi'iits may ha\e been made  att'ectinji' any section in
                     the book:  also, any other important point that a careful revision
                     •duriui^- the year is found to be omitted oi- not state' with sufficient
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                       As ao-ents have no financial interest in  forwardin"' names of
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