Page 67 - index
P. 67
?JJMK Exception as to Court Houses. Wliuii' a count}- and u city
I ^1|5'.i are united for judiciiii purpcwes, the Council of the county or cit}' may, by
by-hiw or by-la\v.s pa.s.sed at any meeting of sucli Council, and without tlie
I :m a.sHcnt of the electors, raise such sums of nionc}' as may l)e necessaiy for
ereetitiir and furnishiuif a court-house and (jtfices in connection therewith,
and ac(juirin<f such land as may lie nece.ssaiy for tlie .same.
is also provided that the
'iiH- Exception as to County Debt.
im Council of a city may pass by-laws to It raise money that may be
necessary to liijuidate their shai'e of a county debt awarded or agreed
upon, and to issue debentures for that for .such times and upon
such terms as they are entitled to do for n>eeting any other liability of the
'iWi. Repealing Money By-Law. When part only of the money
piovided for by a by-law has been rai.sed, the by-law may be I'epe.iled, a.s
to any part of the residue, and also a.s to a proportionate part of tlie special
rate imposed thei>;ror. The repealing by-law nnist recite the facts on
which it is founiled : take cH'ect on the .Slst of December in the year of its
passing; and not to affect any rates due or penalties incurricd befoi-e that
day: and first receive the assent of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.
'HKl. A By-Law Not to be Repealed. After a debt has been con-
tracted, the Council is not permitted to repeal the liy-law undi'r which it
wa.s contracted, or an}- by-law for pa^-ing the delit -tr interest thereon, or
providing a rate, or appropriating any surplus money of any work or
money from any other source, until the debt and interest have been paid.
The ('ouncil shall not alter any by-law providiu"- any such rate, so as
to the amount to be levied, or ap})ly to .^.ly other }) any
money of the corporation which has been, by resolution or by-law, directed
to be applied to such payment.
•i!M. By-Law to be Enforced Xo officer of a municipality shall
neglect to carry into effect a i)y-law for paying a debt under ((jver of an
illegal by-law, attempting to repeal the former or diminish the amount t<i
be levied under it.
'Hm. Debts Due the Crown, The Council may contract u debt in
the purchase of any of the public roads, harboi-s, bridges, buildings, or
other pul)lic works in Ontario, whether belonging to the Piovince or (he
Dominion of Canaila, and may execute the bomls antl other secuiitivs to
Her Majest}' as the Council may deem fit for payment of the price of such
works, anil may also pass all necessary by-laws for .such pur])ose, although
no special or other aiuiual rate has been settled, to be levied in each year
as ])rovided in Sections 3<S4 to .'ISG of the Municipal Act.
*/500. Special Rate May be Imposed. The Council mtiy, in any
jy-. iw to be passed foi- the creation of such debt, or foi- executing sucli
bonds, deeds or other securities, .settle and impose a special rate ])er annum
of .such amount as the Council may deem expedient, in addition to all other
rates to be levied in each year for tlie payment and discharge of such debts
anil securities, ami the by-law shall be valid, although the rate imposed is