Page 66 - index
P. 66

MrMCII'AI. LAW.                  m
                     'Mil Things the By-Law Must Recite.  'I'lii'  liy-liiw,  uiilt'SM  it  is
                 tor a work payaldc \>y local assrssnu'iit, .shall recite
                     1. Tlio ainoiint of ilt'l)t, and flic objt'ct for wliicli it  i.s to bo cnuitcMl.
                     2.  Till' total ainoiiiit to Ik; laisi'd annually for tlio dobt and
                     '}. The amount of the ratablr property of  tht; nnniicipality aceordinjr
                 to last ruvist'd AHscssniunt lloll.
                    4. The total amount of the t!.\i.stiny; tlebenture debt, and how nnieh of
                   •  •  1  •   •  •      •  •
                 principal or interest is in arrears, if any.
                     When the by-law is for a work payable  liy local as,sesHment, it shall
                 recite  :
                     1. Th.  amount of  the  lebt, and  th(!  object  for which  it  is to bo
                    2. The total annua  amount to be rai.sed for payment of the debt and
                    ;{. The value of the real property rat^ible lunler the by-law.
                    4. That the del)t is created on the .security (tf the special  rate settled
                 by the by-law, and  (Jii that security onl^'.
                    'iH4- Guaranteeing Local Improvement Debentures.  To add  to
                 the commercial vahu- of the Debentures, when the by-hiws are  pa.sHcd for
                 works payable by local a8.sessinunt, the Council may declare that the debt
                 to be created on the security niontioned  is  further ;xuaranteed by the
                 municipality at larjfe,                                           •til
                    5J85. Principal Repayable by Instalments  In  case a by-law  in  I"
                 passed for contractinj^ a debt for any jturpose, the ('ouncil may make the
                 principal and interest payable by annual  in.stalmeiits durin}^ the poriod.s
                 l)reviously mentioned, the limit beiny twenty or thirty yeans fseo Section  '",'|!tl
                 279), as the ca.sts may be, the annual amounts to  Ite paid  diiriiifr the whole
                 period to be as nearly e(|ual as may be.
                    /JHO. The Debentures may  be  issued by  the corporation  fur the
                 amount payable at the tiuK s correspond in<f with such in,stalment,s, together
                 with interest annually or seii.i-anruially, as may be provided in the by-law.
                    'iH7- Amount to be Raised.  The by-law must sot forth a certain
                 specitic amount, to l)e raised each year, sufficient to discharjje the several
                 instalments of principal ami interest as they become payable.
                    In such case it shall not be necessary to provide a .sinking fund.
                    •/{88. Special Rates are a Lien on Property.  Every special assess-
                 ment imido and every special ratt^ levied under any of the provisions of the
                 Municipal Act, and  all  .sewer rents and charges  fcjr work done by the
                 corporation, shall form a lien and charge upon the real estate in respect of
                 which the same shall have been assessetl, and shall be collected in the same
                 manner and with the .same remedies as the ordinary taxes upon real estate.
                    'iH9. What By-Laws Require Assent of Electors.  Every by-law
                 for raising upon the credit of the municipality, moneys not recjuired for
                 ordinary expenditure and not payable within the same municipal year,
                 must receive the assent of the electors  ; except those for drainage or for a
                 work payable entirely by local assessment.  (Municipal Act, Section 338.)
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