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                                     MUNICIPAL LAW                    67
                 less than Sections :}84 to 38() rtHpiire (see Sectiotis 280 und 282, tliis book).
                 'J'liose Sections shall in other rt-spects apply to such by-law.
                     '491- Registration of By-Laws.  Every by-law passed for contract-
                 ing a debt by the issue of debentures for a longer period than one  i/car,
                 and for levying rates on the ratal )le property of the municipality for the
                 payment of such debt, must be registered by the Clerk in the registry office
                 of that municipality, within four weeks after the  final passing thereof.
                 Fee for registering, S2.
                     ?i!)8. Absolute Validity.  Every such by-law .so registei-ed, or regis-
                 tered before the .sale of the (lebentures i.ssued thereon, shall be absolutely
                 valid, and also the .said debentures, and .shall not be  (piaslied or  .set aside
                 on any grotmd whatever, uidess an application or action  to (piasli or set
                 aside the same be made within tlirer laonfh-s from the registry thereof, and
                 a certificate from the Clerk of the Court stating that such action had been
                 brought, or application made, shall have  Ijeen  registered in said registry
                 office within  the  said  three  month.s.  Fee  for  registering  notice  of
                 •net ion, 50c.
                     'i99. Dismissal of Action.  If the action is dismissed in whole or in
                 part at the expiration of th.e said three  months, the by-law, or so nuich of
                 it as is not (juashed, shall be absolutely  valid.  A certificate of dismissal
                 may also be registered for a fee of 50c.
                     I{00. Publication.  Notice of the ])assing of (^very by-law to which
                 the three preceding Sections refer, and which have not been submitted to
                 the ratepayers, shall inniiediaiely after their registration be published in a
                 local newspaper, such as the Council may designate by resolution, and be
                 continued in at least one number of such  pai)er each week  for three suc-
                 ce.ssive weeks.
                     For form of notice see Section 397, Chap. 223, R. S. O., 1897.  •'k:
                     JMM. Quashing After Registration.  In of a local improvement
                 by-law providing for the i.ssue of debentures, whicli has  ])een  pa.ssed and
                 registered, the debenturt^s IssuimI and the assessment  levied upon the real
                 property mentioned in the same, said by-law shall be valid, notwithstand-
                 ing any defect in substance or form  in the by-law itself, or the time or
                 manner of passing the .same, and shall not be  set aside, uidi'ss an applica-
                 tion is made to the Court within one month from the registry thereof.
                     'MVi. Registering Application to Quash.  When an  applicatic)n  is
                 mude to ([Uash or set aside a by-law, a certificate, under the liaml and .seal
                 of the Clerk of the Court, shall be registi <ed  in the  jiroper registry office
                 within five weeks from the date of registering the bylaw, and, in default
                 thereof, the Court may refuse to hear the  case, or may dismiss the action
                 to (juasli the by-law.
                    'Milt. Statutory Caution.  The provisions here enumerated  for the
                 validity of by-laws will not make valid a by-law, or the debentures issued
                 thereunder, if it appears on the face of sHch by-law that the provisions of
                 Sul)-sections 4, 5, a and 9 of Sectitm 384, or the provisions of Section 386
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