Page 50 - index
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MUNICIPAL LAW.                    t!>
                   tlie (JOi'Hoiwil property l(ul(jii;^iii;f tit tlic l)U.siiirsHshiill not ho. lial)li' toasst'SM-
                   ineiit or tiixation,  'J'lie annual valuu  ol' the premises  is (luoniod to br an
                  amount  ivj.M'csentinjjj swen per cont. on  tlu' assessed  real value of the
                      'illl. Personal Property ol' incorporateil coinpanies  sliall  l)e assesHed
                  Hf^ainst tlie company.
                      The personal property ot' a partnei'ship shall  be; as-sessed ajfainst the
                  firm at tlu; usual ))laee of business, and not aj^ainst tlie individual members
                   for their individual shares.  If it has more than one place of business each
                  brancli shall, as far as practicable, be assessed  in the locality where  it  i.s
                  Hituate, for the pcn'tion of personal property belonj^inff to that branch.
                      Person.s carryiuff on any trade, business (ji- ])i'ofession, havin},^ personal
                  propei'ty in two or more municipalities of wanls, or has two or more places
                  of business in ditlerent Muniici])alitit's or wards, he sliall be assessed at each
                  tor that portion of the personal  ]a'o])erty conntH-ted with the  business
                  carrieil on thereat, as nearly as ])ossible.
                      If a person lias no place of business he shall be asscs.scd at his place of  kmI^h!
                      *^I4. Assessment of Salaries.  Kor all persons drawing; salaries or
                  waj^es for employment  in the municipality in which he does not reside,
                  shall be in the nuuiicipality where the labor  is performed, and not at his
                  place of residence.  This does not  a])[)ly to clerj^ymeii, county nujuicipal
                  otHcers, jrovernment oHicers oi' to otHcers of local miniicipalities, where the
                  location of the office is fixed by law or  rej^ulation, but the assessment in
                  such cases shall be in the municipality wherein the incumbent resides.
                      'iiH- Personality of Non residents shall be in the name of
                  the a^'ent or ])erson in control of the same.
                      '4Hi. Joint Owners, resident in the nuinicij)ality,of personal property
                  shall be assessed separately.
                      'il7- Executors or trustees, beinjj in sole possession or control of per-
                  sonal property, shall be assessed for such ])roperty, with the adilition to his
                  name of his representative character, and the assessment carried out in a
                  separate line from his individual assessment.
                      /JIH. Statement of Property.  (1) Particulars about the real or per-
                  sonal property assessable  aj^ any person called for by the A.ssessmeiit
                  Roll, are re(|uireil to be ^iven by such persons to the assessors, and  if the
                  assessor has reasonable groinid to doubt the of such statement,
                  he may require  it to be  i^jiven  in writinif.  (2) The assessor may also
                  require in writing from every corporation within the nnuiicipality whose
                  dividends are liable to taxation, to furnish him a written statement, certi-
                  fied by the principal of the corporation in  this Province, of the names of
                  shareholders liable to be assesscnl for their incomes by such inunicijjality,
                  and the amount of stock held by si:"h persons on the day named for that
                  ])urpose by the assessor, the amount ol bonuses and dividends declared
                  during the preceding twelve months.
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