Page 171 - index
P. 171
votiTH, oiitlis to lio ailiiiiiiistoroil, etc., sliall fipply to police villajfc trustut's,
t'xci'pt wlicif otherwise specially jnovided.
The Returiiiii|f < )tHcer, wlietlier otherwise <|ualiHeil or not, has a
castiiif^ vote, ami has the same powers for preserving the peace as are j^iven
to returniiijf otticers or ileputies at iiiuniei])al elections.
The llettirnin;,' Officer shall, on the day al'ter the election, return the
hallot papers, voters' lists, and all other documents relatinj^ to the election
to the Township Clerk, or in case the village lies in more than one town-
ship, then to the Clerk of the County, verified under oatli before such clerk
or a justice of the peace.
'341, In the Case of Vacancy the remaining tru.stees shall, by wiiting,
appoint a trustee to fill the vacancy, and file the writing with the afore-
said clerk.
74'S. Inspecting Trustee. The trustees, or an}' two of them, shall
ap]point, l)y writing, one of their number to be an inspecting trustee, and
the writing shall be filed with one or the other of the aforesaid clerks, as
the case may be.
tJ.' 74lt. The Oath of Office and (pialification nuist be taken within
the time and in the manner prescriljcd for township councillors, and are
under like penalties in case of default. They hold office until their
succes-sors are elected, sworn into office, and hold theii' first meeting.
144. The First Meeting <hall be belli at noon on the third Monday
in January after the election.
145. Providing for Expenditure. The tru.stees may, befoiv the
first flay of .Inue, reipiire the Township Council to levy a rate in the
village to cover necessary expenditure for that year, liut such rate not to
e.\.ceeil one cent in the dollar of the a.sscssed value of the property liable
t') assessment, and such rate .shall be in lieu of the township rate levied
for similar purposes.
14<». Duties and Powers of Trustees. The trustees may pass
by-laws for building sidewalks and culverts, making drains, re|)airing
streets, etc. If the village is in more than one township then a propor-
tionate share be provi<led for by each.
The Township Treasnri'r, if he has in hands not otherwisi' appro-
priated, shall pay over to the order of the inspecting trustee or any two
tiiistees to the extent of moneys levied for village purposes, although the
s.ime may not then have bi-en collected.
Such orders must only be given in payment for work or contracts
actually iiei-formed.
141. Fire and Light By-Laws. A police village desiring to
purchase fire engines, or ])rovide for Wi'ter. light or heat for use of the
inhabitants, the Township Council shall, upon application by the village
trustees, .submit a l)y-law to the ratepayers entitled to vote on money by-
laws, for the issue of debentures for a period not exciu-ding ten years, and
for levying a special rate for the paynient thereof. The assent of the rate-