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P. 170

MUNICIPAL LAW                    ir,7

  er the           municipal oHiccrs of cities and towns shall perform the same duties as the
  in put           like officers in other munioipalities  : uud the treasurer ami mayor of cities
                   an<l towns shall, for sueli purposes, j)erform like duties as hereinbefore in
                   case of other municipal'ties imposed on the county treasurer and warden,

                                     POLICE VILLAGES.
   <iiow-              On  the  petition  of any of  the  inhahitants  of an  unincorporated
                   villai,'e, the CV)unty Council may, by hy-law, erect such viilaj;e into ajtoliee
  uiit of          \ illajfo, an<l assit^n thereto such limits as may seem expedient, name the
   e any           place for holding tlii; first election of tru.stees and the Returninij OtHcer.
                       1;M>. Trustees.  Kvery iioliee villa<,fe shall have three trustees.  'I'ho
                   (lualificntions  for a trustee are: Residence within the  villa;;;e or within
                   two miles thereof, and  havinj,' the same property (jualiHcatioiis as are
                   rerjuired for township councillors.  If there are not si.x ])ersons so (jualitied,
                   then any elector entitled to vote at tlii' election may be electetl.
                       The (lualitteation for a voter is the .same as for a township election.
                       140. Nomination and Election.  After the first election the trustees,
                   or any two of them, shall from time  to time appoint,  in writing, the
                   RetvuMiin^ OfKcer and the ]ilacc for  holdin<;' the nominations and elections.
                       No election  shall be  held  in a tavern or anj'  |)lace  licensed  to sell
                   spirituous li(jUor.s.
                       Nomination meeting shall  lie held at noon on the  last Monday in
                   ])eeeiid)er annually, exci'pt when  in Monday falls on riiri.stmas, then
                   it shall lie on tlie ])revious Friday.
                       The jxilice tru.stees are to give at least six day.s' notice of such nomi-
                   nation meeting.  The Retm'ning  ( )lHcer shall preside, or, if ab.sent, a chair-
                   man may  lie chosen l)y tlw electors.
                       if only three candidatt^s are  j)ro]Mised and seconded, the Returning
                   Officer, or ehairniiin. aflei' the  la[).so of one hour, shall declare such candi-
                   dates duly elected.
                       If more than three are duly nominated, then the Heturning Officer, or
                   chairman, shall adjourn the jiroceedings until the th'.st .Mnuday in Jainiary,
                   when a [)oll shall be openeil at nine o'clock a.m. an<l continue open until
                   five p.m.
                       The acting Returning Officer shall, on the day foHowing the nomina-
                   tions, post  u]) in the office of the townshij) clerk, if situateil within tin-
                   ]K)lice  village, and  if not, then  in some other public place  in the village,
                   the names of th(! persons nominated, and if a ]ioll is nece.s.sary, deman<l, in
                   writing, from the Clerk of the Township a list of those who are entitled
                   to vote.
                       The Clerk of the Township shall, not later than the day precetling the
                   opening of the  poll, deliver to the Returning Officer such list of (|ualifie(l
                    voters fluly authenticated.
                       The  various  sections of the  Municipal  Act  relating  to township
                   councillors, inchiding nominations ami elections, (piestions  to  l)e put to
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