Page 172 - index
P. 172


                                       MUNICIPAL LAW                   ig;»
                   payers  boiiii;  ol)taiiicil,  it .slniU he  tlic duty of tlit-  ('(juiicil to raise such
                   Muiii.  The ilehciitures issued to he in cont'onuity witli Section ;J8(i, Chan.
                   22M, R. S.  ( ).,  I .S!)7.
                       The money  tlius  raised  ivniains  in  the  liands  of  tlie Township
                   'I'reasurer, to he paid upon the onhTs of tlie viUairc trustees.
                       34s. For Public Parks,  e.\hil)itioii  <,a-ounds,  etc.,  it  reipiires  a
                   petition  t(j  tlie Township Council,  si;,'ned  liy  three-foiirtlis of  tlie  rate-
                   payers entitled to vote on money by-la\v.s.  The dcheiitures issued be
                   payable within ten years,  'i'he assent of the electors not necessary to the
                   validity of the liy-law.
                       14!>. General Regulations  to  lie enforced  liy  police trustees and
                   the penalties attached for violation of .same are as follows:
                       ].,a(lders for houses mor<! than one storey liii;h  : penalty  for omission,
                   !?], and  !i*"2 for each week the omi.ssion continues.
                       Two tire buckets; ])enalty 8 1 for each bucket <lcHeient.
                       Chimneys for furnaces and ovens must be three  feet hi;;her than the
          in which they are built: penalty ^2.
                       Stovepipes t') be four inches from any wooil work  ; ten inches b(.'tween
                   a stove and wood work  ; penalty ^2.
                       Prohibiting;' any lighted candli.' or lamp, unless properly ]n'otected  ; or
                   li;,dit('d pipe or ci^iir bcin^' taken into any  mill, barn or  : or to
                   Jiax'e a lire in such Wdodm buildiii<>', unless  lit  : or carrx'intr
                                                    i)roi)erl\' sei'iired
                                            /^                         »  r^
                   fire through any street or other  pul'lic  ])laee, unless properly contined  :
                   litrhtin^' tires in any street or other ])ublic place: penalty SI in each case.
                       I'laciiin' hay, straw or other fodder in a dwelliiij;-house  : penalty for
                   lii*>t oH'eiice SI, and  S.') for every wei'k such fodder remains tliei'e.
                       Kt'e|iinL;' ashes or einders in a wooden box or  vessel, not  lined with
                   ini'; p-nalty SI  ;  pkiciiiif luislaeked lime where  it comes in contact with
                   the wo  )  1 of .iny i)uildiiu;': penalty SI, and S2 a day  until the lime has
                   been removed or secured s) as to satisfy the inspi-elor there  is no  daiij^'er.
                       Krectin^' a furnace for makin;,' charcoal  : |)enalty S').
                       Iveepinn' j^unpowdi'r for side, unless in  bo.xes of copper, tin or lead;
                   pen.ilty for first utfcne  ', So, an<l SIO for every subse(|uent oH'enee.
                       Sellin;.;- ;^un|iowder at niy;ht: |ienalty SIO for tirst offence, and S20 for
                    each subsei|Uent otieiiee.
                       Throwin;,' filtli or rubbish in a street, lane or public place: jienalty SI,
                    and S2 for every week he iie;^lects to remove thr sane' after beinjf notified
                    ]>y the inspecting- trustee or other person authorized l>y him.
                       The inspectiiiff trustee, or in his absence or  if he  is the person coni-
                    ])laiiied a;.;ainst, one of the other ti'ustees, shall sue for the penalties inider
                    these rej;ulatiuns.
                       Prosecutions must ))e entered within ten days after the  ofi'eiice  lias
                    1  n committeil, or ceased  : and case tried by  a justice of the peace, and
                    tines to be paid over to the jiathmaster and used in I'epair of the streets as
                    the trustees shall direct.
                       Police trustees who wilfully ne<;leet to jirosecnte an ofiender at the
                    riijuest of a resideiit householder who offers to adduce proof, or who
                    wilfully neyjlect any other duty enforced uiuler the Act, are liable to a
                    penalty of S5.

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