Page 153 - index
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150                 MUNICIPAL LAW.
                        the majority of thi-ee fence viewers of tlie inunicipality—one named Ly
                        the owner of the animal, one by the person claiming damaj^es, and one by
                        the pound-keeper.
                            2. Such fence viewers, or two of them, shall, within twenty-four hours
                        after notice of their appointment, view the fence and the {ground upon
                        which the animal was found doiuf^ damage, and determine whether or not
                        the fence was a lawful one according to the statutes or the by-laws, and if
                        found to be lawful, then to appraise the damages connnitted  : and within
                        twenty-four houi's after having made the view shall deliver to the poinid-
                        keeper a  written statement, signed by at least two of them, of their
                        ai)praisement and of their lawful fees and charges.
                            •S. If the fence viewers decide agninst the legality of the fence the
                        pound-keeper shall, upon payment of  all lawful fees and charges, deliver
                        such animal to its owner if claimed before the day of sale, but if such fees
                        and charges are not paid the animal may be sold after giving due notice as
                        recjuired by the Act.
                            For neglect to do their duty they incur a penalty of !?2. payable to the
                        municipality upon complaint of the party aggrieved or the treasurer of
                        the municipality.
                            085. Care of Impounded Animals. A pound-keeper refusing  or
                        neglecting to provide proper shelter with good and  sufficient food and
                        water for animals impounded incurs a penalty for every daj'  of such
                        neglect or refusal of not less than SI, nor more than S4, one-half going to
                        the nmnicipality and the other to the prosecutor.
                            Also any other per.son who may so retain the animal in possession, as
                        previously stated, must give the same care, and shall be entitled to recover
                        from the owner the value of the food and a reasonable amount for attend-
                            4880. Sale of the Animal.  Upon affidavit before a justice of the
                        peace that all the proper notices had been given in the manner prescribed,
                        if the owner does not redeem the animal before the day appointed for sale,
                        the pound-keeper who impounded the animal, or if the person who took up
                        the animal did not deliver such animal to any pound-keeper, but retained
                        it in his own possession, then any pound-keeper of the municipality may
                        publicly sell the animal  to the highest bidder at the time and place
                        mentioned in the notices  ; and after paying the legal damages, not more
                        than 820, fees and charges for keeping, the surplus shall be returned to
                        the owner of the animal, and  if not claimed within three months, such
                        surplus shall be paid the treasurer of the inunicipality for use of sucii
                            08T- Annual Statement.  Every pound-keeper and  other  ])erson
                        who so retains any animal,  is required on or before the  1.5th flay of
                        January, to file with the clerk of the municipality a statement for the year
                        ending the 31st day of December preceding  :
                            1. The number of animals impounded or distrained, as the case may be.
                            2. The number of animals sold and the amounts received.
                            3. The sum received as poundage fees and cost of keep.
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