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                                       MUNICIPAL LAW.                   149
                   by such animal, and also give his written agreement, with security  if
                    requiretl, similar to the following
                       " I (name), do hereby agree that I will pay to the owner of the animal  I'tf
                   (describes it), by me this day impounded, all costs to which  tiie said owner
                   may be put in case the distress by me, the said (give namej, proves to be
                   illegal, or in case the claim for damages now put in l)y me, the said (name),
                    fails to be established."
                       Tlie owner of the animal impounded is entitled at any time to deiri.uid
                    the possession of his animal without payment of any poundage  fees on
                   giving satisfactory security to the pound-keeper for all costs, damages and
                    poundage fiH's that may lie awarded against him.
                       (i. In case of horses, cattle, sheep or pigs are distrained by a I'esident
                    for straying WMthin his premises, such per.son may retain the animal in his
                    own possession, instead of delivering  it to the pound-keeper, provided he
                    makes no claim for damage and gives the re()uired notices as follows:
                       If the owner is known to him he shall forthwith notify him in writ-
                    ing that he has taken uj) the animal  : but  if the owner is unknown then  I-  1
                    he .shall within forty-eight hours after taking posses.sion of the aninuilgive
                    the Clerk of the ]\Iunicipality a notice in writing of having taken up the
                    animal, and giving a de.scription of the animal as near as may be.
                       The Clerk will forthwith enter a copy of such notice in a book kept
                    for that purpose, and post another copy in a consjiicuous place on or near
                    the door of his othce, and keep it posted for one week.
                       If the value of the animal is SIO or more, the distrainer shall have a
                    copy of the notice published in a news[)aper in the county once a week for
                    three succe.ssive weeks.
                       <»HJJ. Notice of Sale.  1. In case an animal is impounded, notice of
                    the sale shall be given by the pound-keeper or person who impounded the
                    animal within forty-eight hours  : but no pig or poultry' shall be .sold till
                    after four clear days, nor any iiorse nor cattle till after eight clear days,
                    from the time of impounding the same.
                       2. In the animal is not impounded, but retained in po.ssession of
                    the party  di.straining the  sanie, if  It  is a, pig, goat or sheep, the
                    notices for the .sale shall not be given for one month  ; and if  it is a horse
                    or cattle the notices for sale shall not be given for two months after the
                    animal is taken up.                                               •t
                       :i. The notices of sale may be written or printed, and shall be posted
                    up and contiiuied three clear successive days in three public places in the
                    municii)ality, giving  the time and  place  at which  the animal will be
                    publicly  sold,  sooner re<leemed, the penalties or damages, as the
                    case may be, paid, ami  also the lawfiU  fees and chai'ges of the pound-
                    keeper and fence viewers, if any, together with the of tin  mimal's
                       <»S4. Disputing Amount of Damages.  I.  If  the owner, within
                    forty-eight hours after the delivery of the notices of damages to the pound-
                    keeper, disputes the amount of damages, the amount shall be decided by
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