Page 151 - index
P. 151
4W0. Removal of Division Fences. The owner of the wliolo or part
of a line i'enee, wliich forms part of tlie fence enclosing the occujiied or
improved land of another person, shall not remove any part of .such fence
without giving such other person at least six months' notice of his inten-
tion to do so
Nor unless such owner or occujjier, after demand made upon him in
writing by the owner of such fence, refuses to pay for the same the sum
awarded by the fence viewers.
OKI. Trees Across Line Fences. 1. If a tree from any cause is
thrown acrass a line fence and does damage to the crops on tlu^ adjoining
property or to such fence, the owner or occupant of the premises upon
which the tree formerly stood shall forthwith remove the same, repair the
fence and make good any damage caused by the falling of such tree.
2. On his neglect or refusal for forty-eight hours after notice in writ-
ing to remove the same, the injured party may do so in the most inex]ien-
sive manner and retain the tree as remuneration, and also recover any
further amount of damages sustained from the part}' liable to pay the
3. The owner of such tree may, for the pui-pose of removal, enter upon
such adjoining premises without being a trespasser, avoiding any unneces-
.sary waste in doing so.
4. If the parties cannot agree the dispute shall be adjusted by three
fence viewers, the decision of any two of whom shall be binding upon the
HH'i. I'nless varied by by-laws of the C\)uneil,the following statutory
provisions shall be in force in every nnuiicipality in the Province.
Horses, cattle, shoep, swine and poidtry may lie impounded for unlaw-
fully running at large or trespassing and iloing damage.
L The person on whose premises such animals have'd may
deliver the same to the pound-keeper, or
2. If the owner of geese < r other iioultrj' refuses or neglects to pre-
vent the same from trespa.ssing on his neighbor's premises after a notice in
writing lias been served upon him of their trespass, he may be lirought
before a justice of the peace and fined as the justice directs.
a. VVhen an animal has been impounded the pound-keeper is required,
within twenty-four hours, to deliver a written notice to the Clerk de,sci'ib-
ing the animal as nearly as may l)e.
4. If the common pound of the nmnicipality is not safe the poinid-
keeper may confine the animal in any other enclosure within the pound-
keeper's division.
5. The person di.straining or impounding, if re juired by the pound-
keeper, nmst deposit poundage fees, and withi.i twenty-four hours there-
after (Uiliver to the pound-keeper duplicate statements in writing of his
demands against the owner for damages, if any, not exceeding S20, done