Page 20 - index
P. 20

MUNICIPAL LAW.                   19
  of  theii-          03. Voters' Lists.  The proper list of voters to be used at an election
  efore tlu*      sliall be the tirst and second parts of the last list of voters certified by the
                  judge and transmitted to the Clerk of the IVace.
 Hg voters
  s on the            04. Lists for New Municipality.  For the  first elections in a new
  . not paid      municipality for which there is no separate assessment roll, the Clerk shall,
 mber pre-   1    instead of a voters' list, provide each deputy returning officer with a poll
  lied to all     book, according to Schedule "C  " of this Act, in which the Deputy Keturning
  fjr copies      Officer, or his poll clerk, shall enter in the proper column the name of every
                  person ottering to vote, and at the re(|uest of any candidate or voter shall
                  note opposite the name of such person the property on which he claims a
  1,11 procure    vote.
 3118 in the
                      05. Lists in Added Territory.  Where new territory  is added for
  n<f Officer
                  municipal purposes to a city, town or  village, or where a town with new
                  territory is erected into a city, or a village with new territory erected into
 letl, it shall
                  a town, or a new  village  is formed, and an election takes place before
                  Voters' Lists including the names of persons entitled to vote in such added
  roasurer of
                  territory are made out, or before such  lists are  certified by the County
                  Judge—in all such cases the Clerk of such enlarged corporation shall take
 1 with lock
                  from the last certified Vcjters' List of the municipality to which such terri-
  uced there,
                  tory formerly belonged, and place in  lists, or supplementary  lists,  the
                  names of the persons who would have been entitled to vote in .such terri-
                  toiy if no change had occurred, and deliver said lists to the deputy return-
  Y)rintcd, at
                  ing officers at all the polling suli-divisions.
  papers for          The Clerk shall exclude from such  lists the names of per-sons who
  jr marking
                  have been returned for non-payment of taxes.
  e poll.
  Municipal           00. Lists and Poll Book-  The Clerk  is required before the poll is
                  opened to deliver to each deputy returning officer a certified Voters' List for
                  the ward,  together with  the  poll  book,  and a certified copy  of  the
  s for mayor
                  " Defaulters' List."
  shall not be
  iididates for       01. Copies of Lists.  Copies of the voters' lists may be prepared by
  lers for each   the Clerk of the Municipality, or they may be procured from the Clerk of
                  the Peace, for a fee of  (i cents for every ten voters on the list.
  •ers shall be
  ir each ward        08. Defaulters' Lists furni.shed and  verified by the Treasurer or
                  Collector, as the case may  be, shall be the evidence on which the deputy
                  returning officers are to act in ascertaining the payment or non-payment
                  of taxes by persons claiming either in respect to income or real property
                  the right to vote.
                      01>. Column for County Councillors.  Where an election  is being
                  hold for a member, or members, of the County Council at the same time as
                  the election for the local municipality, the Clerk, in preparing the poll book,
  liver to each
                  shall insert a column headed ''County Councillors" between the columns
  tioiis for the
                  headed  "  Refused to Swear or A^irvi " and  "  Mayor or Reeve."
  are required
 l>r which they       TO. Certificate of Assessment  Roll.  The Clerk  shall  deliver  to
  polling place,  each deputy returning officer a certificate of: (1) The day when the Assess-
  oiling.         ment Roll was returned by the assessor; and also, (2) of the day when the
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