Page 148 - index
P. 148

                                      MTNICIPAL LAW.                   1 IT)

                      iUW  In Case of Dispute lii'twcciiownrrs ri'spcctin;,' .such propovtiou
                  tilt' ciiHc slmll  li(! scttlril liy art)i( Dit loll nf llic KciK'r Viewers.
                      010. Notice to be Given.  Killur owner nmy send  the rollowiu^
                   notice to tlie otiier owiuM' or oectipiint of  tlie iidjoiiiin;; land, that he will,
                  not hiss tliaii one weok tV(»in the .service of Huch  notice, cause three  t'eiice
                   viewers of the locality to arl)itiate in the iiri'Uiises:
                      <»)|. Form of Notice.
                      "Talve notice, that Mr.  , Mr.      , and Mr.
                  three fence vi(!wers of tliis loc.ility, will attend on tlie  day of
                   18  , at the hour of  , to view and arbitrate  ujioii the line fence in
                  dispute hetween our properties, beiii;; lots (or parts of lots)  ami
                   in the    concession of  the Township of  ,  in  the County
                      " Dated this  day of  , IS  .
  il ot'  liy
                      "ToC. ]).,               A.  1!..
                       "Owner of Lot (^dvo nninl)er).  Owner of Lot (>;ive nuuilier)."
                      ttVi. Notice to Fence Viewers.  The owner  .so  notifyin<,^  as  in
                   previous section, shall also .send the followin^Miotice to  i acli of  t!ie fi'iice
                   viewers not  le.s,s than one week before their servicts are  . e(|uircd  :
                      " Take notice, that  reijuire you  to attend  at  , on the  day  III
                  of       , A.D. is  , at  o'clock a.m., to view ami arlatrate on the line
                   fence between my property and that of Mr.  , bein^ lots (or parts
                  of lots) No.s.  and  , in the  concession of the Towiishii) of  ni
                  the County of
                      " Dated this  day of    ,18  .
                      " To C. I).                        A. H.,
                                                         •' Owner of Lot —  ."
                      Both the precediuif notices must be in writing,', sijijued by the person
                   notifying, and may Ije served by beinjf  left at the residence of such owner
                  or occupant with .some <frown-up person residine; there: and in of the
                   land beinff untenanted, by leavinj,' the notice with an agent of such owner.
                      An occupant of such land being so notitied must immediately notify
                  the owner, or be personally liable for all damages caused to the owner by
                  such neglect.
                      The owner notified may, within the week, object to any or all of the
                   fence viewers notitied, and in case they cannot agree, the Judge of the
                   Division Court .shall name the fence-viewers who are to arbitrate.
                      iHlli. Duties of Fence Viewers-  They shall examine the premises
                  and,  if reijuired by either party, they shall hear evidence and examine
                   witnesses on oath.  Any one of thein may administer an oath or affirma-
                  tion for the purpose.
                      1. They shall make an award in writing, signed by any two of thein,
                   which shalf specify the locality, fpiantity, description and the lowest price
                  of the fence  it orders to be tnade, and the time within which the work
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