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lottor to the clerk of duy other uiuuicipalit}' in wliicli laml.s affected by
the ditch are situate, a certified copy oi' the chanj^e.s made by the .Jud<je,
which eiicii clerk shall file and iiuniediately notify, by registered letter, every
invner within liis niunicipalit}' of any chanj^e made by the Judjje in the
jxirtion of work and material assigned to such owner.
f»50 Paying the Costs. Each of the municipalities shall, within
ten daj's after the expiration of the time for appeal, or after appeal, as the
case may be, pay to the engineer and judge, and all other persons entitled
to the same, their charges and fees. And if the persons awarded or adjudged
to pay the same do not forthwith repay the municipality, the amount in
each in default shall, together with seven per cent., be placed upon the
collector's roll and collected the same as municipal taxes.
4».'»l. Completion of Work. 1. Upon a written reijuest of any of
the owners, the engineer may, at the expiration of the time limited b}' the
award for the completion of the work, inspect the same, and if he finds any
poition of the ditch not completed according to the award, he may let the
work and the supply of material to the lowest bidder giving satisfactory
security for the conipletion of the work within a limited time. This
cannot be done until a notice in writing of the intended letting has been
posted up in at least three conspicuous places in the neighborhood at which
the work is to be done, for four clear days.
And also until after four days from the sending of the notice by regis-
tered letter to the last-known address of such per.sons interested in the said
award as do not reside in said municipality.
2. If, however, the engineer is satisfied of the good faith of the person
failing in the performance of the award, and that there is good reason for
the non-performance thereof, he may, upon payment of his fees and
charges, extend the time for performance.
.S. The engineer may let the work a second time, or oftener if neces-
sary', to secure its completion.
4. The owner, in default, shall be liable for the fees and expensr 4
occasioned for the non-performance thereof in the required time, even
though he then supplii;s the materials and commences the work. Such
fees and charges if not paid by him on notice shall be a lien on his land
with seven per cent, added, and placed upon the collector's roll to be col-
lecteil as municipal taxes.
iiU'i. Payment of Contractor. The engineer shall, within ten days
after receiving a written notice of the completion of the work that has
lieeii let, inspect the same, and if found done according to award certify
the same in writing, giving the name of the contractor, the amount due
him, together with the fees and charges of the engineer, and b}' whom the
same are to be paid.
The Council shall, at their next meeting after the filing of such certi-
ficate, pay tlie various sums to the perso'v- aamed. If the owners within
the nnniicipality do not pay the sums ur which they are, respectively,
mAe liable, the Council may order the sums, together with the seven per
ct;it. added, to lie placed upon the Assessment Roll and collected in same
mainn'r as nnniicipal taxes.