Page 146 - index
P. 146

MUNICIPAL LAW.                   113
  i^rlnvay            2. Carriciijus overtaken by another carriage, or on h(jisel)ack being
  I rained         ovort'-xkoii by another travelling at greater Hpeed, he .sliail quietly turn out
  t'or  tlio       to the right and allow the otliei- to pass, and the person ho overtaking
                   another shall tiirn out  t(j the lei't aH far as is necessary to avoid a collision.
                   It  is the same with bicycles and tricycles meeting each other, or being
                   overtaken, or overtaking or being overtaken by veliicles drawn by horses.
                      Tile  bicycle or tricycle, however, overtaking a carriage, give  I
                   audible warning before attempting to pass.
                       •*{. In case of vehicles meeting, (ir one being overtaken by the other,
                   ami one is too heavily laden to turn out, such vehicle  is  reciuired to .stop
                   while the other passes, and  if necessary, to  a.ssist the person in charge of
                   the other to pas.s.
  of one
                       4. A person being on the highway in chiirge of a vehicle and horse, yet
  thcr I)}-
                   too ih-inik to manage tin; .same, or any per.son I'aeing or driving furiously,  m
                   or using indecent or Ijlasphemous language upon the highway, incurs a
  liicli  it
                   penalty not less than !*! nor more than !^2().
  up and
                       5. Every per.son driving upon the highway with an}' kind of a sleigh
                   is reiiuired to have at least two bi-Us attached to the harne.s.s.
                       0.  In cities of over 100,000 inhabitants a jierson travelling upon a
                   liic^'cle or tricycle in a northerly or westerly direction upon the central
                   strij) (devil strip) between the doubk' ti'acks of a street railway meets
                   another travelling in  tin' opposite diiection, he .shall turn out to the right,
                   allowing the other per.son going south or east ''e whole of .such central
                       7. Persons who have the s\iperintendence of a bridge over thirty feet
                   in length may put up a notice forbidding any per.son riding or driving on
                   or over such bridge faster than a walk.  The penalty for violation is a tine
                   not less than SI nor more than S20.
                       Any person who injures or interferes with such notice is liable to a
                   tine not less than S<1 nor more than ^8.
                       iiii't- Double Tracks on Snow Roads.  1. The County Council may
                   pass a by-law to provide in each year during the season of sleighing  I'or
                   double tracks,  .so that teams may be able to pass without turning out.
                   The right-hand track is that in which a team is always re(|uired to travel,
                   and any person travelling in the wrong or left-hand track and refusing to
                   leave the .same when met by a person travelling therein  is liable  to a
                   penalty of not  less than Si nor more than i'^20 and costs, and in case of
                   non-payment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding twenty-one days.
                       2. The County Council may also require the pathmasters appointed bj-
                   township councils to cause the roads on which double tracks are to  lie
                   made to be kept open for travel within their respective municipalities: or,
                   in case of there being no such pathmasters available, may appoint road-
                   masters to perform that llutJ^  Such ])athmasters have full power to call
                   out per.sons liable to perform statute labor to assist in keeping open such
                   roads, and to give such persons certificates for having performed statute
                    lal)or to the number of days' work  done, to be allowed on their next
                    sea.son's statute labor.  The County Council ">ay also, if neces.sary, rei|uire
                   such township councils to apply so nuich of the connnutation of Statute
                    Labor Finul as may. be required to ket'p open such roads.
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