Page 147 - index
P. 147

11                  MUNTCfPAI. LAW
                             :}.  In ciisf tlit^ 'I'owiisliij) ('((UiR'il neglects nv n'Tuscs lo k<'(|) siidi roiids
                         oj)t'ii,  till' ('oiiiity  ('ouiicil  IS  ciitillcil  to do ho fiml  to  iiiiposf upon  llic
                         lo\viiHlii[i H rale sutliciciit I'or  tli<' purpose,  aii'l  collt'C'l  tlu;  saiiif as otluT
                         county I'atfs arc eollcctcil.
                             4. Any person liaMc to pcrloi-in statute lalior wlio neglects or ret'ust's
                         to turn out ami work under any patlnnaster wlio warns him out tor  tliat
                         |)urposc,  is  lialile  to a penalty of not  less than SI nor  nioi'c than SiJO
                         and costs, and in case  oi" non-paynient,  to  iniprisonnierit  for a  tirni  not
                         uxcpcdinu^ tweiity-onc days.
                             iHiii. Snow Fences.  The councils of e\riy township city, town .md
                         incorpca'ated \illai;(^ may  reipiire ownei-s or occupaiUs of lands horilenui^'
                         uijon any public highway to take down, altei' oi" reiiio'  'uy r'uce lound to
                         cause an acctuuulatiun  oi" sncnv or  ih'it't, so as to  (  'ct travel on the
                         pultlic hi'^hway.  W'lierc such jiower  is exeirised,  liall make such
                         C(jmpensation to the owners or occupants I'or the allerauon or removal of
                         such fences, and for the construction of some other fence a])proved of liy
                         the Council in lieu thereof, as may he nuitually  a;,n-eed  U])on, and  if the
                         compensation to be paid by the ('onncil cannot I)e aj:;reed up<ai, then the
                         same sliall be settled b}' arbiti'ation, as provided by the Miuiicipal Act.
                           1. In case the owner or occupant ref or ne;^lccts to remove such fence
                         and to construct such otiu'r fence as recpiircd by the Council, the Coinicil
                         may, after the expiration of two months from the time the compensation
                         was a^freed up(ni or awanled by arbitration, procei'd to do the same, and
                         all the costH and char^^es thereby incurred by the Council over and above
                         the .sum a<jreed u]ion or awarded by arbitration, may be recovered from
                         such owner or occujiaiit by action in the Division  (  'ourt, and if such amount
                         as judtrment is ol)taincd for is not .sooner paid, be entered by the Clerk
                         of the Municij)ality on the collector'.s roll, and collected as other taxes.
                             When a tenant is reipurod to pay the .said sinu, unless he "las a;,;reeil
                         with the landlord to do so, he may retain the amount  ])aid from the rent
                         to be paid by him to the landlord.
                             2. The Council has power after the 15th day of Novt;mbi'r in (>ach
                         year to entei- upon any land.s whatsoever within the municipality an<l erect
                         snow  fences along a public hiffhway, subject to the payment of such
                         damages as may actually be siiH'ered by the owner or occupant (jf such land,
                         and if the amount of damages cannot be agreed u])on the same shall be
                         settled by arbitration.
                             Uftl. Railway Fences.  The fences on eacli .side of all railways and
                         electvic railways to be erected and maintained shall  l)e of the height and
                         strength of an ordinary division fence.

                                             LINE FENCES.
                             4MS8. Line Fences.  Ownersof occupied adjoining lands are refpiired
                         to make, keep up and repair a just proportion of the division fence be-
                         tweca them.  Owners of unoccupied lands shall, upon their being occupied,
                         be in the same position as though they had been occupied at the time of
                         the original fencing.
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