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                                       MUNICIPAL LAW.                   119

                   liable for assessment and of those exempt from assessment, for  tlie cost
                   thereof, and at least ten days before its Hnal decision to undertake the said
                   work, keep a statement of the same open for inspection in the office of the
                    Clerk.  The Council shall also cause to be inserted once a week for two
                   consecutive weeks in a public newspaper published within the municipality
                   or in the county town, tlie following notice
                       " Take Notice, that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the
                                 intends to (describing the work) on  street,
                   between (name the points between which the work is to be done), and to
                   assess the final cost thereof upon the pi'operty abutting thereon and to bo
                   benefited thereby, and that a statement showing the lands liable to pay the
                    said assessment, and the names of the owners thereof, .so far as they can be
                   ascertained from the last revised A.ssessment Roll, is now filed in the office
                   of the Clerk of the Municipality, and  is open for inspection during office
                       "The e.stimated of the work is $  , of which §  is
                   to be provifled out of the general funds of the municipality.
                       " A Court of Revision will be held on  at
                    for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessment, or
                   accuracy of the frontage measurements, or any other complaint which
                   persons interested may desire to make, and which is by law cognizable by
                    the Court.
                       " Dated,

                       There is a right of appeal from the assessment to the Court of Re\ ision,
                    and from the Court of Revision to the County Judge.
                       In towns and cities the Judge, without an appeal, may determine what
                    other lands will be benefited by such improvement and may add such lands
                    to be asses.sed; but not until notice has been given the owners of such
                    property of the time and place when the matter will be considered, and
                    for that reason he may adjourn the hearing from time to time.
                       If the by-law has specially provided for ascertaining and determining  »«':'>
                    what real property is innnediately benefited by such work, the Judge shall  %-
                    then not have power to interfere with the statement, if the assossment is
                    made in accordance with the by-law, uidess
                       U]ion the eviilence he finds that they have been incorrectly measured,
                    or that other lands than those fronting upon the street are alleged to be
                    benefite<l and are brought into the scheme, or that the assessment upon
                    corner k)ts, or irregular lots at intersections of streets, has to be modified,
                    or that in his judgment the share to be borne  b^' the municipality should
                    be changed, or that certain property, from its location, cannot be benefited
                    by said work.
                       SOIJ. Power to Borrow funds for the cost of  local improvtMuents
                    from a bank, by temporary loans,  until the work  is completed and the
                    (roper assessment levied, and then to issue debentures to pay the tenjporary
                    toans is given to all municipalities.
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