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118                 MUNICIPAL LAW.
                           SSU. Council may  Initiate Local Improvements,  and  levy  lor
                       the  cost  thereof  upon  the  properties  benetited  thereby,  unless  u
                       majority of the owners of such real property, representinfj at least one-half
                       iii value thereof, petition the Council against the same within one month
                       after the last publication of a notice of the intension of the Council to
                        undcilake the said work, such notice to be inserted once in each week  for
                       two weeks in at least two newspapers published in the municipality,  if
                        there are two  ; and if not, then in a newspaper published nearest  to the
                        proposed work.
                           Such work successfully petitioned against shall not be luidertakeii
                       again by the Council within two years.
                           If a work of local improvement is not petitioned against by a sufficient
                       number of property owners, the Council may undertake it during that or
                       the succeeding year, and  shall complete  tht! same before making  tln'
                           Owners of real projicrty wliose names are not on the last revised
                       Assessment lloU may sign the petition for or against the local improvement
                       work, by satisfying the Clerk of the Municipality, by statutory declaration
                       or otherwise, that he is the owner of the propi'rty instead of the person
                       whose name is on such Assessment Roll.
                           54>0. By-Law Forms.  It  is optional with  the Council  whether
                       to use the short form of local improvement by-laws provided by statute or
                        the full form.
                           501. Notices in Lieu of Advertisement.  1. Notices either written
                       or printed, or  partly of  both, of the  sitting of the t'ourt of RivLsioii
                        for the confirmation of  .such  spt!cial  asse.'isments may be given  to the
                        owners and lessees having the right to petition, in lieu of the advertisement
                        in the newspapers previously mentioned.
                           2. Such noiice shall contain a description of the property  in  respect
                       to which it  is given, the nature of the jiroposed imjirovement, total cost,
                       amount of assessment on the particular piece of property, time and manner
                       of payment, and signed by the Clerk, assessment commissioner or oth<u'
                       officer appointed by the Council for the purpose, and shall, at least fifteen
                       days befon^ the time appointed for the Court of Revision, lie mailed to th(.>
                       address of the persons entitle<i to receive them.
                           Ten days' notice of the time and place of meeting of the Court of
                       Revision shall be given in some newspajier having a general circulation,
                       which shall specify generally what sucl. a,ssessment  is for and the total
                       amount to be levied.
                           Hii'i- What Notice Required.  When  notice  of  the intention  of
                       the Council to undertake a local improvement work under the provisions
                       of their general by-law, which provides tlmt th(! special rate to be levied
                       shall bo an annual  rate, according to frontage, upon the real property
                       abutting upon such street or place wherein the work  is to l)e done, a gen-
                        eral description is .sufficient, stating the points between which  it  is to be
                           In such case the Council shall, by  a measurement of the frontages

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