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120                 MUNICIPAL LAW.

                          i»U4. Cost of Sewers.  Where, in order to afford an outlet for the
                       8ewerat,fe and draina^re of real property not fronting on the street in
                       which tiie sewer  is constructed, such sewer  is constructed with a larger
                       capacity than it otherwise w(juld need to have, the Council nuiy impose a
                       special assessment upon any other real property benefited by such larger
                          i»Oi»- Cost of Pavements.  When  the  Council  is about  to  con-
                       struct, remove or alter the character of a pavement on any street or public
                       place, as a local improvement,  it may put in  all necessary private drain
                       connections from any existing sewer on such street, and all necessery water
                       mains, altei'ation of service  pipes, stop-cocks thereby necessitated, and
                       assess the cost thereof against the property benefited thereby, as part of
                       the cost of the said local improvement.
                          iiiHi. Assessment of Corner  Lots.  The  Council may provide
                       an e(|uital)le mode of assessing corner  lots, triangular or other irregular-
                       shaped lots, at junctions of streets, and may charge the amount of any
                       allowance made on such lots on the other real property fronting on the
                       street, or may assume the same as a portion of  tlic! municipality's share of
                       the improvements.  There are the usual appeals from such as.sessment.
                          mil. Lands Unequally Benefited.  Where  lands on  either  side
                       of a street, in the opinion of the Council, are unfit for building purposes,
                      they may assess such property for local improvements at a lower I'ate than
                      others fronting on said street.  The Coimcil shall, in all cases, deteiniine in
                       what proportion the cost of such improvements shall be borne by the lands
                      on each side of said streets, respectively.
                          508. Assessment  for  Boulevards.  KeaJ  property  adjoining  or
                      fronting on any park, sijuare, or b'.."!ev avd, shall be .specially a.sse.s.sable for
                      improvements respecting such pla(!es in same manner as real property front-
                      ing on streets, but only to the (ixtent that such lands are benefited by
                      such improvements.
                          Where lands on one side of a drive or boulevard are a park or squai'e,
                      or for other rtiasons are exempt from taxation, at least one-half of the cost
                      of such improvements shall be borne by the inunicii)ality gcsnerally.
                          No petition shall avail to j)revent the carrying out of any  local im-
                      provement work or service in any such park, scjuare, drive or boulevard,
                      and the making of special assessments therefor.
                          ."»<M>. Assessment  of Property  not fronting on streets or high-
                      ways on which improvements are made, as extension of sewers, sidewalks,
                      paving, or construction of bridges, is provided for in the Local Improve-
                      ment Act, and the Council may asscjss all such property as to them seems
                      equitable for their share of the cost, relatively to the benefit such lands
                      derive from the works, and in case of townships such lands may be asses.sed
                      by a sjiecial rate instead of by a frontage tax.
                          510. Purchase of Works.  In townships where owners of real
                      property have ccnstructed works which might have been constructed by
                      the municipality as local improvements, the Council may, upon petition of
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