Page 117 - index
P. 117

114                 MUNICIPAL LAW.

                       npee<l, iiiiy horse, colt or filly, Tinder a false or assuiuod imiiio or podi<^reo, or
                       ill H class  (litt'ereiit to what such animal ])roperly beloiif^s by the rules of
                       the society, is liable, upon conviction before a justice of the peace, to a
                       penalty not  less than i#50 nor more than S20(), for each offence, together
                       with costs, and in case of non-payment, to imjirisonment not exceodinfj six
                       months.  The prosecution be commenced within two years from the
                           .»40. Cattle and Railway Crossings.  Horses,  cattle,  swine  or
                       sheep  found  at  large upon any highwav within  half a  mile of the
                       y)oint where such highway cros.sis a railway track on level grade, unless in
                       charge of some person to prevent their stopping on sucli cro.ssing, may be
                           And  if killed at such point of  intersectioi. hy a train when not in
                       charge of a keeper, the owner  is not entitled to any action against  tlie
                       railway company.
                           541. Aliens-  No man not  being  a  natural-born  or  naturalizetl
                       .subject of Her Majesty, is (pialified to serve as grand or petit juror in any
                       of our courts.

                                       S F [O V KEGU LATION S.

                           1. No person under ten years of age shall be employed in any shop.
                           2. No child, young girl or woman shall be employed in any shop on
                       any day of the week, except Saturday or the day before a statutory
                       holiday, before seven o'clock a.m., or after  si.v o'clock p.m.; nor on such
                       days before seven a.m., or after ten o'clock p.m.
                           i. Every such child, young girl or woman  .shall be allowe<l one hour
                       for the noonday meal,  ,'ind  if employed after six o'clock p.m., forty-five
                       minutes for an evening meal.
         ^n                4. They may be employed one other day than Saturday each week
                        until ten o'clock p.m., but in such case they .shall not be employed on
                       Saturday after .six o'clock p.m.
                           5. This prohibition does not apply to the time Ijetwcen the 14th day
                       of December to the 24tli of December, inclusive, in each year.
                           (). The penalty for the employment of any child, young girl or woman
                       contrary to this Act, is a fine of not less than SIO, nor more than S25, for
                       each person so employed, with  costs  ; and  in default of payment  to
                       imprisonment for not less than one month nor longer than three months.
                           7. Every shop in which females are employed shall provide seats and
                       keep therein a sufficient number of seats or chairs for every such female,
                        who shall be permitted to use such .seat when not necessarily engaged in
                        her work, and the employer shall not, by any means whatever, try to
                       previuit such female using such .seat.  The penalty for its violation  is the
                        same as named in the preceding paragraph.
                           8. A notice giving the regulations of this Act  ; and also the name and
                        address of the in.spector is rcijuired to be kept posted up in every shop.
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