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will spociiilly henoHt any lands or roads in t\w nninicipniity, or any road in
a ncij^hliorinj^ municipality, lie nIimII cliar;^i* such lands or ronds to l>t'
bciK'tited, and the oilirr niuin(;i|),t!ity, person or company whose lands or
roads aro improved, with such pi-oportion of tho costs of the improvement
as he may deem just, and the amount so ehar^fed orawai'ded hy ai'hiti'ation
shall he paid by such imlividuals or miuiicipal corj)oration as the easo
may he.
.».»<»• Frontage Assessment. The .special late so to l)e as.sessed
shall he an annual rate aeeonlin^f to the fronta;;'e of the real pro|)erty
to he hcjnetiteil by the im[)rovenient.
If the tirst ass(!ssnient is not sutlici(Mit the Council shall make a si'cond,
or other additional assessment until sutKcient moneys are realized to j)ay
the cost. If to(j much is levied the e.xcess shall be returned, ratal)ly,
to those who paid the same.
In case of townships where the local improvement takes place within
five miles of a city of ')(),()00 inhabitants or over, if the Council deems that
cca'taiii pi'operty that does not al)ut on the street or othei" ])lace whei'e Liu,'
local improvement is made is specially henetited ami oujfht to bt! char<;ed
with a part of the, the Council may, upon a petition of three-fourths
in luunber of the owners repre.sentin<>- three-fourths in value of tho
lands to be benetited, levy by frontat,^!' rate in lik(! manner upon such
lands, as thou;rh they did abut upon such street or piiblic way wheivin tho
improvi-mont is made.
Tho Council may, howevei', instead of levyin<; by a fnnitage rate,
provide, by by-law, to assess such lands according to the i)roportion of
benefit received therefi-om.
This section does not apply to any work of ordinary' repair or main-
tenance, and all works constructed under this .section shall bo kept in a
<(ood state of repair at tho e.Kponse of the whole municipality.
am. Petition for Local Improvements. Upon petitica. praying
for a local improvement, sij^ncMl by at least two-thirds in numbers of
the owners of any real property to b(! bencifitcd thereby, accordiiifr to the
last revised Assessment Roll, and ropresentinjr at least one-half in value of
such real property, tho Council may take tho necos.sary proceedings for
executing the work with as little delay as possible.
In case a lessee has covenanted to pay all the municipal taxes during
the tei*m of his lease, and the duration of the proposed assessment would
not extend beyond the term of such lease, then such lessee is doomed to be %
an "owner" under this Act.
55M. Drains for Sanitary Purposes. If a Council, upon the
roconnnendation of the Local Board of Health, affirm by a two-thirds
vote of all the members of the Council at any regular meeting, that it i.s
in the public interest to construct, enlarge or prolong a sower or drain, to
drain a particular locality for sanitary, it shall not bo necessary
for the Council to give notice of tho proposed as.scssment except the sitting
of the Court of Revision for the purpose of hearing complaints against the