Page 119 - index
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                                           MUNICIPAL LAW
                       citliur cliisH  coiiii'M witliin  tlio  liy-liiw, hucIi sliops  sliiill cloHf at the tiino
                       imiiied in tlu^ Ly-linv.
                           ExfcptioiiH arc iiiailc as to .sales hy (lni;,f(,'ists, and also to otluT doalorH
                       in Halt's to lod^jcrs on the proniiHos, or in any case of ouitT^cncy, as of sick-
                       ne.sH or the sailing,' of a vcssi'l, or otlu'r eases of neeessity.
                          Township eoinieils uviy pass such liy-law to a])ply exclusively to an
                       unincorporated  villa^fe therein, and may vary such by-laws lor diH'eront
                       unincorporated  villa^'es within  the  same  township,  if  it  is  deen)od
                          If a;fents, clerks or servants of any occupier connnit an ofienctt aj^ainst
                       the by-law, such a^ent aloiio is liable for the penalty, if i\u' occu])ier proves
                       that he had used ilue dilioiMice to enforce the provisions of the by-law, and
                       that the ofience was committed without his knowled;j;e or consent.

                                     LOCAL    LMIVROVLMLNTS.
                          The councils of townships, cities, towns and villages may pass l)y-law8
                       for the followinj^ pur])Oses  :
                          art'i. Property  Benefited.  For  deternunin<jf what  real  property
                       will  be immediately benehted by any proposed work, the of
                       which is pi'oposed to l)e assessed upon tlie real proj)erty benefited thereby,
                       and determining the ])roportions of the cost thereof to be assessed to the
                       various jiortions of veal estate so Lenetitt^d.
                           A general by-law for determining the pi'operty to be benefited by
                       local improvements is sufficient, and not neces.sary to pass a special by-law
                       in each particular case.
                          There  is a right of appeal from any such assessment to tlie Court of
                       Revision, and from the Court of Revision to the County Judge,
                          55S. Local Improvement Works—the cost of which  is to be pro-
                       vided for by means of a special  rate on the real estate benefited—include
                       Deepening any stream, cvav.k or watercourse, and draining any locality; or
                       the  cost of  making, enlarging or prolonging any connnon  .sewer; or
                       opening, widening, prolonging or altering, macadamizing, grading, paving
                       or planking any street, lai.e, alley oi- public place  ; or constructing any side-
                       walk, bridge, culvert, curbing, or sodding any  street, S(|uare  or public
                       place.  In municipalities having a .system of water works, for the exten-
                       sion of the branch mains anil pipes, and all other works necessary for
                       connecting the property of property owners with the .system  also for
                       extending the system of lighting for the nnniicipality.
                           554. Construction of Sewers.  In the construction  of a common
                       sewer having a sectional area of more than four feet, one-third of the
                       whole cost shall be provided for by the Council.
                           555- Local Improvement as to Streams.  If  the  contemplated
                       work relates  to any stream, creek, or watercourse, or  to draining any
                       locality, rm! in the opinion of the engineer or surveyor, such improvements
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