Page 89 - index
P. 89

                                                      (lune 19th 1873).

                                     In Ootober 1811, Baldwin, a ship biiildcr,instituted the
                                   present  action hy a  writ  of  summons, and  obtained judg-
                                   ment  cigninst  Gibbori,  the  defendant, on  the  14th  April
                                   1813, for n bnlance of  £110,  due for thc conutruetion of a
                                   iien  sliip  P~nding the action,-the  ship which beforr t.lie
                                   action wns romnierrced, hncl  bcn drlivered by Baldwin to
                                   Gibbon,-sas  trattiisferrr~l tu  him  ùy  a  rcgular  bill  of  sale
                                   and  rnregistrr~d iri  his  namr.  A  writ of  fieri facias  was
                                   issucd  upon  the above judgment  agciinst t,he property of
                                   Gibbon, and the ship, beirig Y<-ierd as such in the possession
                                   of hlrCalliini, the lnttcr hy an opposition  àj11 de divtraire
                                   laid clairn to thc  hip p.  On the other Iiand Beldwin insistcd
                                   thet  he wns still thc propcrly of  Gibl>on. a.nd if alic was  not,
                                   thrn,  thït  he, as builder, hd a particular lien or priuilege
                                   réel  upon  the ship, that  shc Iiad  I~wn sold  suhject  to  his
                                   lien, and by him therefore,  upon the principle of the "droit
                                   do suite",  niight be seized atid sold for the payment of  his
                                   privileged  delk
                                     Sewell, Ch. J.-The   srtleoftheshipby GibhontoMcCal-
                                   luni was  before judgnient,  and  after t,he delivery  of  the
                                   ship by Baldwin to Gibbon, ard was publicly ruade.  The
                                   transfer in point  of  form is correct, and the ship hasbeeii
                                   duly enregistercd as the proporty of  hfcC;illiim.  None of
                                   t,hesc  proceedings  are irnpeached  on  the score of  frnud
                                   or on any other ground: the whole of them had ta,ken place,
                                   with the kiiowledge of Baldwin, andwithoiit thc opposition
                                   or interî'crcncc on hi8 partl and thcre is no allegation that
                                   Gibbon is in  s stats of  deconfiture  (bankruptcy).  Therc
                                   is no  p~teiicc for saying that tbe  ship in  the property of
                                     The  only  question  t,herefore,  for  our  cnquiry,  is
                                   whether  Baldwin ia entitlcd to his psrticiilnr lien or  privi-
                                   lcge  upon  the ship, under thc circumsta,nccs of  this case;
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