Page 92 - index
P. 92

I->y persons who had riot children at the tinie of  the dona-
                                          tion "de  quelque valeur que les dites  donations pilissent
                                          être, et à quelque titre qu'elles aient été faites. . . .demeu-
                                          reront  révoquees  de  plein  droit  par  la survenaiice d'un
                                         enfant  IEgitime  du  donateur",  yet  such  enactment. did
                                         not t,ake effect iri Canada.
                                            (Hiilchison vs Gillcpsie il). Les Sceiirs Ifospitnlièies de
                                          St.. Joseph vs Middleniiss (2) approved.
                                            Conae<luently the  French  law, intrtidiiced  into Canada
                                         by the edict of  1663, remained unaffrcted by the Ordinance
                                         and it was not proved and could not he presiimrd that such
                                         law hecame altered or modified in consequence of the juris-
                                         prudence  of  the province  having ndopted  the  iules  con-
                                          tained  in  the  Ordinance.

                                           The judgment  of their Lordships was delivered
                                                       Sir  .%fontaguc  E.  Sn~ilh:

                                            The  action  which  gives  orcmion  to this appeal  was
                                          brought  in  the  Supcrior  Court  of  Lower  Canada  by  the
                                          Respondents, Marie Angblique Cuvilier, and her husband,
                                         Mr Delide, against the Appellants, Marie Anne Claire Sy-
                                         mes, and her husband, Le Marquis de Bassano, to recover
                                         two instalrnente tif  an annual incorne of  £150, representing
                                         s capital siim of  £2500,  in virtue of  a donation contained a
                                         notarial deed executed  by La Marquise before their  rnar-
                                            The defence was, that by the Iaiv of  lower Canada exis-
                                         ting at the date of  t,he deed, (29th of  Mny, 1666), the gift
                                          was  revoked  by  the  subsequent  hirth  of  children of
                                          the donor.
                                            The Court of  Queen's Bench reversed the judgnient  of  a
                                         Judge  of  the Superior Court, dismissing  the action,  and,
                                             (1)  4 Muare's P. C. 378
                                             (2)  3  Apprd Cas.  1102
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