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hlARlE  ANhE  CLAIRE  S!/:?/111e3 AND  HKH  IlU8BAND,  YAn-
                                        QUIS  OF  BASSANO.
                                                                          DEFXNDAKTS  ;

                                   MARIE  ANOEIIIQ~TE ~lt~1~1er HEII  HtrSBAND,  ALEXAK-
                                        DEP*  hT.4URICE  DELISIiE.
                                                                           PL~lNTtrn.5 ;

                                       (The Law Eeports, Appeal Cases. Vol.  V p. 138)

                                   ON  APPE.4L  TROY  THE COURT  OF  QUEEN'S  BENCH  IN THE
                                        PIlOVIICE  OF QUEBEC,  CANADA,

                                   Cn.nadinnLaw.-I)onations.-Revocnbility   of Gifts par la
                                   surasnunee  d'enfants  du  donateur.-Ordinance  of  1751.

                                     By  a notarial  deed, dated the  29th of  May,  1866, the
                                   Appellant gave an annuity to thc Respondent in  trust for
                                   her Cive daughters "poix  partie  de leurs frais de toilette
                                   et autres petits besoins personnels",  the capital sum being
                                   thereby settled  upoii  the  rlaugbters  after  their  mother's
                                     The gift wss made sooii sfter the Appelant cmie of  age,
                                   and aruounted  to about one-hundreth  part  of  her  whole
                                   estate; und it was to be presumed froiii t.he  circurnstances
                                   that  if  ahe  had  comtemplated  having children  she  would
                                   still have made it  ;
                                     Held, that under  these  circurnstances,  by  the  law  of
                                   Canada,prior totheCivilCode (being that which existed in
                                   the  jurisprudence  of  the Parlioment of  Paris  before  the
                                   Odinance of  1731)  the  gift  wnR  not  revocable  on  the
                                   birth  of  children.
                                     The Ordinanee  of  1731  was  uot  a  mere  declaration  of
                                   existing law; and  although  it enacted  that al1 gifts made
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