Page 48 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
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                                   does history contain philosophy.  It is grander than the natural
                                   sciences;  for its study is man, the last work OF  creation, and the
                                   most perfect in its relations with the Infinite."
                                     Such is the office of  History-.and   such,  inferentially,  is the
                                   office  of  IIistorical  Societies.   It  may  not  become  those  to
                                   whom the interests of  the State Histo~ical Socicty  of  Wiscon-
                                   sin have  bcen committed the past year, to speak too sanguinely
                                   of  the  advances  the  Society has made in  its means of  useful-
                                   ness;  yet in rendering an account of  their stewardship, they feel
                                   it  to  be  a  pleasant  task-for   continued  success has  attended
                                   their efforts during the year vhich has just  closed.   I
                                               .Financial  Condition of  the Society.
                                     In  compliance  with  acts  of  the  Legislature,  granting  one
                                   thousand dollars annually to the  Society, it becomes the duty of
                                   the Executive Committee  to present  herewith the  report of  the
                                   Treasurer for the past year, exhibiting the manner of the expcn-
                                   diture  of  the  appropriation,  together  with  the  accompanying
                                   vouchers.  It will  be  seen,  that  the total  receipts  of  the gear
                                   into the General Fund,  including the small balance  on hand on
                                   the 1st of  January last, have been $1,150  24;  and the disburse-
                                   ments $1,097  35-leaving  a balance,  of  the  General Fund,  in
                                   the Treasury of  $22  89.  The  balancc  of  $47  77,  reported on
                                   the 1st of  January last, of  the International Literary Exchange
                                   Fund, is still unexpended.
                                                    Increase of  the  Li8rary.
                                     Though the Society  was  organized  ten ycars ago, during its
                                   first  five years very little  was accomplished-nothing  except to
                                   gather fifty volumes into its Library,  and secure two interesting
                                   annual  addresses, one  by  Gen.  WILLIAM R.  SMITII, and  the
                                   other by Hon.  ~IORGAN L. MARTIN.  But during the past five
                                   years,  its  progress  has  been  steady  and  satisfactory  in all the
                                   departments of  its labors-the  Library, Picture Gallery,  Cabi-
                                   net,  manuscript  historical  narratives,  newspaper  files,  atlases
                                   and maps, pamphlets,  and its threo  published  volumes  of  col-
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