Page 233 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 233

the  leather  loop  passing  under  the
                                                               tail  of  a  horse  and  round  its  hind
                                                               quarters  which  is  fastened  to  the
                                                               saddle  to  keep  it  from  slippjng
                                                               Cnisades  - A  number  of  expedi-
                                                               tions which  the  European  continen-
                                                               tal  countries  including  Eritain,
                                                               France, Germany, Auslria, Italy and
                                                               Spain  undertook  against  the  fol-
                                                               lowers  of  Islam  in an endeavour  to
                                                               regain  and  protect  the  Holy  Land
                                                               in  general  and  the  Holy  City  of
                                                               Jerusalem  in  particular.
                                                                 The  crusades  were  instrumentai,
                                                               as  are  al1  wars,  in  improving  and
                                                               generalIy  advancing  armour  and
                                                               Cairass  -  A  general  terni  lirst
                                                               applied  to  the  chest  and  body
                              the  12th century. It was used  exten-  armour  of  the  Greek  soldier  of  the
                              sively during  tbe  third  cmsade and  5th  entury B.C.  Since  then  it  has
                              King  John  is  recorded  as  having  corne  to be applied  in  alrnost every
                              paid  his cross  bowmen  three  pence  century  to  the armour of  the chest.
                              per  day  for  foot soldiers and  seven  stomach  and  the  back  and  is  even
                              pence  halfpenny  per  day  if  they  worn  today  by  members  of  the
                              were mounted.
                                                               household  cavalry.
                                The cross-bow  had  a  very  short
                                                                 Zn  its earIiest form it consisted  of
                              life  in  England  as  it  was  replaced  toughened  leather  and  cuir  boulli
                              about  1272 by  the long-bow.
                                                               a  light  material  Iaced  with  small
                                                               plates  and  6naUy the solid  forrn  of
                                                               breast  pate.
                                                               Cuirassine - A  form  of  under  gar-
                                                               ment  worn  under  the  armour,
                                                               usually witliout  a back plate. It was
                                                               rather  similar  to  the  brigandine  in
                                                               appearance  and  was  designed  as  a
                                                               strongly  reinforced  doublet  as  a
                                                               protection against sword and dagger
                                                               Cuir  Bouiii - Leather  material.  fre-
                                                               quently  hardened  with  hot  wax,
                                  Crinet  (wom with Chanfron)   which  was  used  extensively in  con-
                                                               nection  with  protective  garments
                              Crupper - In  early  days  a  protec-  from  early  Roman  times  until  the
                              tion for the hind quarters of a horse,  end  of  the  14th century, in  Europe
                              The  word  has  now  corne  to  mean  and  even  Iater  in  the  east.
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