Page 39 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 39

48                            BARRIE.
      Real, Pierre, tinsmith, Sussex st., L. T.  Sumner, Charles, chemist  and  druggist, Welling-
      Rice, Robert, bootmaker, Wellington St., XT. T.  ton st.,U. T.
      Robb, Rev. J., principal of the Grammar School.  Swalliwell, Anthy., land surveyor, York st., L.T.
      Robinson, James & Son, groceries and provisions,  Swangler,  George, innkeeper, New Edinburgh.
       Wellington  St., L. T.             Taylor,  Alexander, innkeeper,  Sussex st, L. T.
      Rochester, James, brewer,  Richmond road.  Thomson, John, lumber merchant, Nepean, P. 0.
      Rochester & Cobb, tanners, Wellington st., U. T.  address, Bytown.
      Roman Catholic  Bishop  of  Bytown,  Right Rev.  Thompson,  Phillip,  grist  and  saw  mills,  Chau-
       J.  Eugenius  Guiguess,  corner  Sussex  and St.  diere, U. T.
       Patrick  sts.  Resident  clergy—Revs.  P.  Au-  Thompson, John, general store,  Sussex st, L. T.
       bert, N. Mignault, William Corbett,  D. Allard,  Thompson, W. H., general store, Sussex st, L. T.
       Damage  Dundurand,  Michael  Molloy,  Jere-  Tract  Society's  Depository,  John  Durie,  agent,
       miah Ryan.                          Rideau st, L. T.
      Rowan, Charles, innkeeper, Ridean st., L. T.  Tracy, William, watchmaker, Rideau st, L. T.
      Scott, A., inspector of flour and  meal  Sussex st.,  Turgeon, Joseph, blacksmith, York st, L. T.
       L. T.                              Turnbull, James, storekeeper, Nicholas st, L. T.
      Sherwood, Edward, barrister  at law, Wellington  Valiquette,  Joseph,  boots  and  shoes,  Sussex st.,
       st.,U.T.                            L. T.
      Shouldis, Henry, grocer and baker, St. Patrick st,  Varin, Eus£be, general store, Sussex st., L. T.
       L. T.                              Villeneuve,  , boots and shoes, Sussex st, L.T.
      Shepherd, Rev. E., Wesleyan.        Wade, John, boots and shoes, Rideau st., L. T.
      Skead, Jas., lumber merchant, Chaudiere, U. T.  Walker, J., innkeeper, Wellington st, U. T.
      Skead, Robt, lumber merchant, Chaudi&re, U. T.  Wardrope, Rev. Thomas, Free Church.
      Sparges, Nicholas, lumber merchant, and grist and  Whitty, James, tavern, Sussex st, L. T.
       saw mills, Chaudiere, U. T.        Wills, W. J., boots and shoes, Sussex st, L. T.
      Spence, Rev. Alexander, Church of Scotland.  Woodbury, T. E., tinsmith, Wellington st., U. T.
      Story, Geo., dry goods, Rideau st, U. T.  Wood, F.  B.,hotelkeeper,  formerly  of St  John's
      Sterling, Geo., brewer,  Rideau st, L. T.  C.E,
      Story, Thomas, tailor, Wellington st, U. T.  Wright, H. G., beer house, Wellington st, TJ. T.
      Strong, Rev. S. S., Church of England.
      The  COTTNTY  TOWN  of the County  of  Simcoe, is situated on Kempenfeldt  Bay on  Lake Simcoe—dis-
      tant  from  Toronto, 60 miles—distant  from  Holland Landing, 32 miles—usual  steamboat  fare,  cabin,
      5s.,  deck, 2s. 6d.~—distant from  Penetanguishene, 41 miles.  Population  about 750.
                    AGENCIES  OF  ASSURANCE  COMPANIES,  BANKS,  &c.
      Bank  of  Upper  Canada, E. Lally,  agent.
      British  America  Fire  and Marine  Assurance  Company, E.  Lally,  agent.
      Canada  Life  Assurance  Company, James  Patton,  agent.
      Colonial  Life  Assurance  Company,  B. W.  Smith,  agent.
      Home  District  Fire Assurance  Company, B. W.  Smith,  agent.
      National  Loan  Fund  Life  and  Equitable  Fire  Assurance  Companies, John  Alexander,
     Provincial  Mutual  Fire  Assurance  Company,  S. M.  Sanford,  agent.
                                 PUBLIC  OFFICERS.
      Gowan, James  R., judge  of  county  and  surrogate  courts.
      Robinson, Hon. W. B., M. P.  P.  for  Simcoe.
      Smith, B. W.,  sheriff.
      McVity, W. B., clerk  of  the  peace.
      Gowan, H. H., deputy  clerk  of  the  crown.
      Lally, Edward,  county  treasurer.
      Lane, J.,  clerk  of  county  court,  and  registrar  of  surrogate  court.
      Lount,  George,  county  registrar.
      Lloyd, T.,  clerk  of  division  court.
      Alexander, J.,  crown  lands  agent.
      Walker, E.  A., revenue  inspector.
     Me Watt, J.,  postmaster  and  county  clerk.
     SANFORD, S.  M.,  general  merchant  and  agent  for  Provincial  Mutual  and  general Assur-
         ance  Company.
     Ardagh, Rev. S. B., Church of  England,  Bell, Captain  C,  steamer  Beaver.
     Arksey, Amos, waggonmaker.           Barrie Magnet, weekly paper, T. F. Daries, pub-
     Atkinson, John, butcher.                lisher.
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