Page 41 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 41

                            CALEDONIA      SPRINGS,
      A  VILLAGE  situated  near the Ottawa  River, in the township of Caledonia, County of Prescott, C. W.—
      distant  from  Montreal, 72 miles—usual steamboat fare, Us. 3d.  The place is celebrated  for its medicinal
      springs, and is a favorite resort  of invalids, and pleasure  seekers during the summer.  Excellent  hotel
      accommodations are to be found  here, and the  reading  rooms,  bath  houses, billiard  rooms, ball allies,
      &c,  furnish  ample  sources  of  amusement  and recreation to the visitors.  The permanent  population of
      the village is about 160.
      CANADA  HOUSE  hotel, E.  Kennell—visitors  will find every  comfort  and convenience at
          this  house.
      WILKINSON, J. L., proprietor  of the springs  See  card,  next page.
      Brock & Cushing, genera] store.     McMullen, Rev. Mr., Episcopal  Methodist.
      Caledonia  hotel.                   McPhee, A., postmaster.
      Cousineau, Joseph,  shinglemaker.   Peck,  Hersa, bricklayer  and boarding  house.
      Cushman,  S. M., reading room, billiard room, and  Pennoyer, G., Ottawa  hotel and  carriagemaker.
         ball allies.                     Sabourin, Joseph,  joiner.
      Decair, S., carpenter.              Shields, Samuel E., blacksmith.
      Laframbois, P., cooper.             Taylor, John,  shoemaker.
      Mclntosh, William,  tailor.         Wilson, David,  baker.
      McMaster,  Angus,  butcher.
      A  VILLAGE  situated  in the Township  of Canboro, County  of  Haldimand, C. W.—distant  from  Hamil-
      ton, 35 miles—usual  stage fare, 7s. 6d.  Population  about 200.
      CLINT,  JOHN,  Clint's hotel.
      Bennett, John,  tailor.             Higgen. James, tailor.
     Cook, Rev. R. B., Episcopal  Methodist.  Keif, James, M. D.
      Dunkin, Michael, general store.     Kirk, John, M. D.
      Eifick,  Jacob, blacksmith.         Fitch, William,  postmaster.
     Folmsbee, John, general store and saw mill.  Scott, William,  waggonmaker.
     Hazleton, John,  shoemaker.          Wriggley, E.  C ,  grocer and tailor.
     A  small VILLAGE  situated  in the Township of Blenheim, County of Oxford, C. W.—distant  from Paris,
     5  miles—usual stage fare, Is. 3d.
     MORE,  JAMES,  general  store  of  dry  goods,  groceries,  crockery,  hardware,  &c.—cash
         paid  for country  produce.
     Allchin,  Thomas,  postmaster,  notary,  land sur-  Turner, A. J., axe factory.
       veyor, and flour and saw mills.    Williamson,  A..N.,  tannery.
     Reins, Nelson, woollen  factory.
     THE  VILLAGE  of Cap Sante is situated on the River St. Lawrence, in the Seigniory of Port  Neuf and
      County of Port Neuf, C. E.                          °   *
                    AGENCIES  OF  ASSTJBANCE COMPANIES,  BANKS,  &c.
      Allard,  Frangois, boarding house.  Marcotte, Louis, mill  owner.
     Alsopp, Robert,  advocate.           Marcotte,  Frs. Xavier,  general  store,  and com-
      Alsopp,  George, M. D., commissioner  of court for  missioner  of court for small  causes.
       small causes.                      Marcotte, J. B.
     Aylwin,  Charles, notary  public.    Morisette,  Matthew.
     Bernard, Joseph, N. P. and  clerk  commissioners  Morin, Rev. Frs., Roman  Catholic.
       court.                             Rinfret, Eli, general store, N. P. and commissioner
     Dery,  Henry,  postmaster.            of court  for small  causes.
     Garnaud. F. X., boarding  house.     Rinfret,  Francis J., general store, N. P. and com-
     Ham el, Joseph,  miller.              missioner  of court for small  causes.
     Larue, Eugene & Chnrles, mill owners.  Thibodeau,  Eli, general  store,  N. P.  and com-
     Lelievre,  Roger,  registrar  of  the  county,  and  missioner of court  for small  causes.
       clerk  of the circuit  court.
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