Page 42 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 42

CALEDONIA  SPRINGS.                       51

            No.  9,  Corner of  Place (PArmes, and  Great St.  James 8treet t

      THE  Proprietor  of  these  justly  celebrated  MINERAL  WATERS,  now  so long and
      favorably known  to the public  of Canada and the United  States, has established a Dep6t
      for their  sale  as above, where the waters  of  the Intermittent,  Saline, Sulphur  and  Gas
      Springs  will  constantly be received  fresh  from  the  Springs.
        The  following  certificates  of  the  efficacy  of  these Waters  are  respectfully  submitted
      to the  public.
      Extract  of  a  letter  from  the  late  eminent  physician,  Dr.  Robertson of  Montreal.
       "  The  complaints,  as  far  as  my  experience  extends,  in  which  they prove  most  beneficial,  are
      Dyspepsia,  affections  of the Urinary  Organs  and  some diseases  of  the  Skin.
       But  the  disease,  above  all  others,  in  which  their  good  effects  are most  decided,  is  Rheumatism.
      Some cases of  this  complaint  came under my observation within  the last  few  years, in which the ben-
      efit derived  from the use  of  the  Caledonia Water,  was  extraordinary.  I  have  also  known  individuals
      who suffered  from  the improper  use  of  Mercury  and the  effects  of  disease, for  the  cure of  which  thia
      medicine is generally  administered, who were restored to health, by the  use  of  these waters.  Several
      cases of  the disease designated  Chlorosis, (a disease  of  young females,)  have  been perfectly  cured."
       Dr. Douglas of  Grosse Isle  says:—
       "  I use a bottle every morning,  and so  does Dr. Jacques, my  assistant.  Whether the  Water may  be
      a preservative  against Typhus, by keeping  the  general  health  in  good  order, or whether  it  possesses
      specific  powers  of  its own, 1 do not  pretend  to say;  but this I  can  say, that  t)r.  Jacques  and  myself
      are the only two, out  of  fourteen  medical  men who were in  June,  on duty, that  have escaped  the pea-
      tilence.  All  took fever,  and two  have died, and the others remain  very ill.

       Dr.  Mount of  Montreal, referring to Rheumatism, says:—
       "  I have often  seen persons martyrs to this disease, (myself  for  one during ten years,)  which  baffled'
      all medical  skill, both in England  and on this  Continent,  resort to the  Caledonia  Springs walking  on
      crutches, and  others that  could not  walk  at all,  worn  out by protracted  sufferings,  and  their  general
      health  disordered  and  broken  down by  confinement  and want  of  exercise, return  to  their  homes  free
      from  pain, leaving behind (with unspeakable  joy) their  crutches,  and  with  health, strength, appetite,
      and activity, perfectly  restored.
       Dr. Campbell of  Montreal says:—
       "  Of all diseases that have  come  under my notice, in which  a persevering use of the Baths and  Waters
      promises the most beneficial  results, Chronic Rheumatism ranks the  first. I  have also found the Water
      useful  in  Dyspeptic  and Urinary  Complaints, in  Chlorosis,  Secondary Syphilis, and  some of  the  form*,
      of  Cutaneous  Disease."
       Dr.  Crawford  of  Montreal says:—
       " I  beg to state  that I  consider  the  Caledonia  Waters  efficacious  in  cases  of  Dyspepsia,  Chronic
      Rheumatism, or where the constitution has been impaired  by the injudicious  use  of  Mercury,  and ill-
      treated Syphilis;  I  would also add,  in  certain  Cutaneous  Diseases.  I  have  frequently  recommended
      their use in the above complaints, and  witnessed their good  effects."

       James R.  Chilton, M. D., of  New York, writes thus, with  regard to those Waters :—
       "  The Waters  of  the  Caledonia  Springs  will prove  highly serviceable  in the treatment  of  rariou*
      Chronic diseases.
       They  possess those happy natural combinations of Medicinal ingredients which are almost universally
      acknowledged by Medical men, to be  more  beneficial  as remedial agents than  any imitation  of  them,
      which we are capable of  forming.
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