Page 284 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 284

QUEBEC.                            295
       III.  That  a charge  of  five  dollars be  made  for  every  auction  sale, or  meeting  held  in
           the  reading room, or  on the  premises  of the  exchange.
       IV.  That the  reading  room  be  open  from  sunrise  to sunset, except  on  Sundays, when
           it will be  closed  at  5, P. M.
       V.  That  no paper,  book  or  publication  be  taken  from  the  room  until  it  shall have  Iain
          on the  table  seven  days, unless under peculiar  circumstances, to be at the  discretion
           of the  superintendent,  and  a receipt  shall have  been given  for  it.
       VI-  That  the  superintendent  be  allowed  to put up  notices, advertisements,  &c,  in  such
           places as the  committee  of management  may  direct.
       VII.  That the  committee  do meet  on the last Monday  in  each  month  at  10, A.  M.
       VIII.  That  the  infraction  of  any  of  the  by-laws will  subject  a  subscriber  to  have  his
           name  struck  from  the  list.
                           QUEBEC  MERCHANTS'  TARIFF.
                       WHEN  NO AGREEMENT  EXISTS  TO THE  CONTRARY.
                               COMMISSION AND AGENCY.
       For  selling consignments,  from  ports  or places out  of  the  Canadas,  with-
           out guarantee,  ...                                   5  per  cent
       For  selling  consignments, from  ports, or places  in  the  Canadas,  without
           guarantee,                                            1\   do.
       For  delcredere  or guarantee  of debts,                  2$   do.
       For  purchasing,  shipping  and forwarding  merchandize  to ports  or  places
           out  of the  Canadas,                                 5    do.
       For  purchasing,  shipping  and  forwarding  merchandize  to ports or  places
           in  the  Canadas,  when  in  funds,                   2£   do.
       Otherwise,                                            ...  5   do.
       For purchasing bills of  exchange,  stocks,  or  specie, with  funds  in  hand,  } x  do.
       For  purchasing  bills  of  exchange,  stocks,  or  specie,  taking  reimburse-
           ments  by  bills  or drafts,                          \\   do.
       For  endorsing  bills  of exchange,                       2^   do.
       For collecting  debts and  remitting the  proceeds  without  endorsement  of
           Bills,                                                5    do.
       For  receiving  and remitting bank dividends,             1    do.
       For  selling or purchasing  vessels,                      5    do.
       For chartering ships,...  ...              ...            2£   do.
       Eor  collecting  or procuring  freight,  and  on ships disbursements,  5  do.
       For  effecting  insurance  against loss by fire, on  amount  of premium,  ...  5  do.
       For  adjusting  losses  generally  with  insurance  companies,  on  amount
           recovered,                                            2£   do.
       For  receiving  and  paying  monies, from  which  no  other  commission  is
           derived,                                              I    do.
       For  receiving and  forwarding  goods  from  abroad, according to the  bulk of
           each  package, and the trouble  attending  it, per  package,  6d.to2s. 6d.
       And  on the  amount  of the  responsibilities  incurred  by  such  agency,  ...  2£  per  cent.
       On sale by auction  for  the benefit  of  the underwriters, exclusive  of  the
           auctioneer's  charge,                                 5    do.
       N.  B.—The  above  commissions  to  be exclusive  of  storage, brokerage  and  every  other
           charge actually  incurred  or  disbursed.
       The risk  of  loss  by  fire,  unless insurance  be  ordered,  and  of  robbery,  theft,  and  other
          unavoidable  occurrences,  if the  usual care be taken  to  secure the  property, is  in  all.
           cases to be borne  by the  proprietor  of the goods.
       Qn  all consignments withdrawn, %\ per  cent,  commission  to  be  charged.
                        On  Wheat, Barley,  Peas, Oats and  Corn.
       First month, storage, receiving  and  delivering,       2d.  per  minot..
       Succeeding months, storage,                             Id.  do,
       Cribbling, each  time,  ...          ,               ...  £d.  do.
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