Page 281 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 281

292                           QUEBEC.
                                  St.  Ann's  College.
       Revs. C.  Gauvreau, superior,  F.  Pilote, T. B. Pelletier, E.  Richard, G. Tremblay, IL
          Potvin, procurator, A. Pelietier, A. Blanchet, P. H. Bouchy.
       Revs. L. Proulx, parish priest  of Quebec ; E.  G. Plante, George Drolet, L. Gill, vicars ;
          Z.  Charest, parish  priest  of  St. Rochs;  J.  Matte, P. L.  Lahaie, N.  Godbout, W.
           Richardson,  vicars ;  L. T. Bedard,  E. G. Plante,  general  hospital; T.  Maguire r
           Ursuline  convent; P.  McMahon,  chaplain  St.  Patrick's  church;  M. Kerrigan,
           E.  Bonneau,  assistants;  M. Lemieux,  A. Lafrancois,  hotel  dieu;  P. H. Harkin,
           military hospital;  W. Richardson, marine do.
       Revs. L.  Sadie", superior, J.  Beaudry, J.  B. Faleu, J.  Mercier.
                                 St.  John's Church.
       Revs. D. Martineau, R. Noiseux.
                               CHURCH  OF ENGLAND.
       THE  RIGHT REV.  GEORGE J, MOUNTAIN, D. D., Church of England, Bishop of Quebec;
          Archdeacon  of Quebec, the  same.
       Rev.  Geo. Mackie, D. D., bishop's official  and ecclesiastical commissary.
       Rev.  A. W.  Mountain, B. A., chaplain and private secretary.
       PARISH  OF QUEBEC.—Right  Rev.  George  J.  Mountain, D. D., rector;  Revs. George
          Co well, M. A., chaplain to the forces ;  E. W.  Sewell,  minister  of  the  chapel  of
          the  Holy Trinity;  G. Mackie, D. D., curate  of  the  parish ;  A. W.  Mountain, as-
           sistant  curate; R.  G. Plees,  minister  of  the  chapel  of  St. Paul;  Gilbert  Percy,
          B. A., minister  of  the chapel  of  St. Peter ;  Charles  H.  Stuart,  assistant minister
          at  the chapel  of the Holy Trinity.
                             OTHER PROTESTANT CLERGY.
      St.  Andrew's Church, in connection with  the Church  of Scotland,Rev. John Cook, D. D.
      St John's  Church, in  connection  with  the  Presbyterian  Church  of  Canada,  Rev.  Wil-
          liam  Park.
      Congregational  Church, Rev. A.  C.  Geikie.
      Wesleyan  Methodist  Society—Superintendents,  Rev. Messrs. De  "Wolfe  and  Taylor.
      Baptist  Church, Rev. D.  Marsh.
                                NATIONAL  SOCIETIES.
                            ST.  JEAN  BAPTISTS  SOCIETY.
      Hon.  R-  E.  Caron,  president;  Louis  Panet,  vice-president;  L.  Massue,  G.  Guay r
          treasurers;  L.  G.  Baillarge, bursar;  P. G. Huot,  F .  Fournier,  secretaries.
                               ST.  GEORGE'S  SOCIETY.
                  The  Right  Reverend  the  Lord  Bishop  of Quebec,  patron.
       OFFICERS.—John Musson, president;  Charles  Poston,vice-president;  A. Joseph, secre-
          tary ;  W.  Cole, assistant  secretary;  Robert  ISymes, treasurer;  Rev. George Mackie,
          D.  D., Rev. A.  W.  Mountain,  B. A., chaplains;  Jas.  A.  Sewell, M.  D.,  Edward
          Jacques, M. D.,  physicians.
                               ST.  PATRICK'S  SOCIETY.
       OFFICERS.—ThaddeusKelly, president;  Charles Alleyn, A.  W. Parke,  vice-presidents;
          Rev.  P.  McMahon, chaplain;  Drs. Rusell,  Moffatt,  McGrath  & Fitzpatnck,  physi-
          cians ;  L.  Stafford,  treasurer;  D.  G.  Daly,  secretary;  James  McKay,  assistant
                               ST.  ANDREW'S  SOCIETY.
      Hon.  F.  W.  Primrose,  president;  James  Gillespie,  D.  McPherson,  vice-presidents;
          George  Railton,  secretary;  James  Nicoll,  assistant  secretary;  Wm.  Patterson,
          treasurer;  John  Cook, D. £),, and  Rev. A.  C.  Geikie,  chaplains;  James  Douglan,
          Joseph  Morrin,  physicians.
                        MEDICAL,  BTOGICAL,  AND  BENEVOLENT.
                    COLLEGE  OF  PHYSICIANS  AND  SURGEONS,  L.  C.
      Joseph  Morrin,  Esq., M.  JJ., president;  Jean  Blanchet, Esq., M. R. C. S. h.,  vice-pre-
          sident,  Quebec;  W .  Nelson,  Esq.,  M. D., vice-president,  Montreal;  Dr.  Bardy,
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