Page 282 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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QUEBEC.                            293

          secretary,  Quebec;  Dr. David,  secretary,  Montreal;  F . T. C. Arnoldi, M. D.,
          registrar and treasurer.
      GOVERNORS  FOR QUEBEC.—For  the City—Joseph  Morrin, James A. Sewell, A. Jack-
          son, J. Z. Nault, W. Marsden, R.  H. Russell, J. Blanchet,  P . M. Bardy,  For the
          Country.—Hon.  M. . De Sales Laterri^re, A. Michaud,  Joseph  Marmette, A.
          Voniffland, A. Marquis, L. Tetu.
      PHYSICIANS  PRACTISING  IN  Q U E B E C — P .  Baillargeon,  P. M.  Bardy,  J.  B. Blais,  J.
          Blanchet,  J.  Cayer,  Joseph  Carrier,  James  Douglas,  J. Fitzpatrick,  C. J. Fre-
          mont, J.  L. Hall, A. A. Jackson,  J. Landry,  J. Morrin,  P . D. Moffat,  W . Mars-
          den, J. Z. Nault, J. Painchaud,  J. Parant,  O. Robitalle,  E. Rousseau, J. Rowley,
          L. Roy,  F .  Rinfrette,  R. H.  Russell,  R. P. Russell,  A.  Rowand,  F . J.  Seguin,
          J. A. Sewell, P. Tourangeau,  J .  F . Wolff,  P . Wells,  Fiset,  Tessier.
          the  City—Dr.  David,  Dr. Nelson,  Dr. Arnoldi, Dr.  Holmes,  Dr. Campbell, Dr.
          Sutherland, Dr. Hall, Dr. Peltier.  For the Country—Dr.  Chamberlin, Dr. Vaiois,
          Dr.  Boutillier, Dr. Weilbrenner, Dr. Foster, Dr. Kimber, Dr. Brigham.
      FOR  THREE  RIVERS  DISTRICT—Drs.  Badeau,  Gilmour, and Ls. E.  Dubord.
      FOR  S T . FRANCIS DISTRICT.—Drs.  Johnson, Clines and  Fowler.
                           QUEBEC  SCHOOL  OF MEDICINE.
      Dr. Morrin, president;  Dr. Bardy,  secretary;  Dr. Landry, lecturer  on anatomy  (gene-
          ral and descriptive;  Dr. Sewell, lecturer on practice  of physic;  Dr. Fremont, lec-
          turer on practice  of surgery ; Dr. Painchaud,  lecturer  on midwifery  and  diseases of
          women and children;  Dr. Nault, lecturer  on  mater'ia  medica  and pharmacy; Dr.
          Bardy, lecturer  on medical  jurisprudence  and botany ; Dr. Painchaud, lecturer on
          clinical  medicine ; Dr. Jackson, lecturer  on clinical  surgery;  Dr. Jackson,  lecturer
          on  chemistry.
                                MARINE  HOSPITAL.
      COMMISSIONERS.—Dr.  Morrin.  president;  Dr. Parant, R» J. Alleyn,  F . X. Paradis, T.
          Kelly, . . Nesbit.
      VISITING  PHYSICIANS.—Dr.  James  Douglas, Dr. Painchaud,  sen.,  Dr, Hall,  Dr. Jack-
          son, Dr.  Robitaille, Dr.  Rowand.
      Dr. E. Lemieux,  house  surgeon ; Mr.  Beaubien,  apothecary;  P.  Whelan,  steward;
          Mrs.  Whelan,  matron.
                               QUEBEC  HOTEL  DIEU.
      ATTENDING  PHYSICIANS.—Drs.  Morrin, Nault,  Sewell,  Fremont.
      Dr. Morrin,  physician to the gaol.
      QUARANTINE.—Dr.  G. M. Douglas, medical  superintendent; Dr. Jacques, physician.
                                LUNATIC  ASYLUM.
      COMMISSIONERS.—Hon.  L. Massue, Dr. Painchaud, P. Langlois, J. Gibb, J.  G. Irvine,
          E. B. Lindsay, H. Jessopp.
      PROPRIETORS  AND MANAGERS—Dr.  James  Douglas, Dr. Morrin, Dr. Fremont.  Mr.
          Wakeham,  superintendent;  Mrs. Wakeham,  matron.  Number  of patients, 175,
          divided  into  five  different  classes, each  of males and females.
                           MOUNT  HERMON   CEMETERY.
      DIRECTORS.—G. O. Stuart,  chairman ;  H. S. Scott,  secretary  j  C. Wurtele, treasurer ;
      Jeffery  Hale, John  Gilmour, Thomas  Gibb, John  Musson,  A. McDonald,  W . S. Hen-
          derson.  James  Millar,  superintendent.
                              ADVOCATES'  LIBRARY.
      Hon.  Justice  Panet,  president;  Hon. H.  Black,  vice-president;  Hon. R. E.  Caron,
          treasurer;  Charles  Alleyn, secretary ; J. B. Landry,librarian.
                           Rooms—Court-house, St. Louis st.
                              CANADIAN  INSTITUTE.
      Hon.  R.  E. Caron,  honorary  president;  P. J.  O. Chaveau,  president  active;  Vital
          Tetu, and . X. Paradis, vice-presidents;  F . Vezina, treasurer; J. Langlois, secre-
          tary ;  N . Casault,  librarian.
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