Page 287 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 287
29ft QUEBEC.
St. Michael's Cove, Woodfield Harbour, Spencer Cove, Wolfe's Cove, L'Ance
des Meres, Cape Cove, Dalkin's Cove, Diamond Harbour, Pres de Ville, Dorches-
ter Beach, T C. Lee's Cove, Beauport Cove, New Waterford Cove, John Munn's
Cove, Montmorency Cove, Indian Point Cove, Point Levey Cove, Tibbit's Cove,
Clark & McKenzie's Cove, Henry's Cove, Patton's Cove, Dawson's Cove, Ross
Brothers' Cove, Etchemin Cove, Hibernia Cove, New Liverpool, Price & Co., New-
London, Benson, New Liverpool, Hamilton, St. Nicholas Cove.
Nos. 31 and 32 Sault au Matelot St., L. T. (JOHN SHARPLES, supervisor).
NAMES OF CULLERS holding licenses under provincial act, 8 Viet. cap. 49, August 12,
James M'Phee, Louis Dorion, William Bee, Charles Cazeau, Alexis Dorval, John S.
Waterson, Etienne Robitaille, Denis Cantillon, Jean Larochelle, Denis Duggan,
Maurice Malone, Michael Hamel, James Scott, Michel Robitaille, J. B. Vachon,
Michael Power, Michael Murphy, Olivier Gaboury, Robert Downes, Louis'Myrand,
William, OBrien, William Teedon, Gilbert Downes, Joseph Lock well, Patrick
Malone, Thomas Malone, James Lynch, Jean Couture, Alexander Couture, sen.,
F£reole Couture, . X. B61and, J. B. Jarnac, Barthelemi Chartier, Robert Boyte,
John O'Sullivan, O. Gauvreau, J. B. Philbert, John Frederick, James Downes, C.
Corneau, Edouard Verrault, William M'Kutcheon, John Millar, Bernard Daly,
Jacques Jobin, John Cameron, Thomas Egan, James Mackie, James P. Boure, J.
Bowen, Peter Gelly, Joseph Larose, P. M. Paquet, John Quinn, Thomas Red-
mond, Germain Savard, Narcisse Valin, Louis Cloutier, James Lambert, Pierre
M'Neil, jr., Michael Lynch, Charles Couture, Edward Haughton, Jean Bornais,
John Curtin, Jerome Couture, Joseph Langlois, Michael Gibbons, Pierre M'Neil,
senior, John Leek, Henry M'Peak, William Duggan, John Peverly, W. Lambert,
Peter Gilgan, Charles Timony, George Larochelle, Richard Jeffery, F. X. Thomp-
son, W. H. Hoogs, Thomas Clark, William French, E. T. Gauvreau, Louis Demers,
Xavier Masson, David J. Gewaia, Pierre Juinest, Robert Clark, John Clark, Roder-
ick M'Gillis, John Tilly.
White pine, bass or butternut, per ton, two pence three-eights.
Red pine, per ton, three pence farthing.
Hardwood, per ton, three pence farthing.
Oars and handspikes, counted off, per 100 ps., one shilling.
Deals, counted off, one shilling per 100 pieces.
For culling and measuring in a merchantable state, or measuring in shipping order, or
counting off, where not herein otherwise provided for, vig :—
White pine timber, per ton, four pence half-penny.
Red pine timber, per ton, five pence farthing.
B*rdwood timber, per ton, six pence.
B&aJs, pe? standard hundred;, two shillings and four- pence.
Planks, 2 inches, and under, per 100 pieces, one shilling and eight
Standard s&yes* per mille, iwelye shillings.
West india staves* per milie, five shillings and three p
Bawel staves, per mille, three shillings and nine pence.
Oars per 100 pieces, three shillings and nine pence.
Haadspikes, per 100 pieces, two shillings and nine peace.
Spars, from 12 to 19 inches, each, one shilling and ten pence.
Masts and bowsprits, 19 to 24 inches, each, two shillings and nine penee.
Masts and bowsprits, £4 inches, and upwards, each, three shillings and three, peace.
Liftoiod,, per cord, one ^hilling and fiv.e