Page 277 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 277
•288 QUEBEC.
Foundries, 325 Paper Warehouses, 336
Furniture Stores, 319 Physicians and Surgeons, 33(>
Gas Light Company, , 310 Pilots and Rates of Pilotage, 300
General Brokers, 321 Planing and Sawing Mills, 336
General Merchants, 325 Post Office, 299
Government, Departments of, . . . . 313 Police, 290
Grocers and Shipchamilers, 326 Printing Offices, 337
Guide to the Streets of Quebec, . . . . 339 Provision Merchants, 337
Gunsmiths, 32S Public Offices and Institutions, . . . . 290
Gutta Percha Depot, 328 Public Departments of Goveniment, . . 313
Hairdressers, &c, 32S Quebec Exchange, 291
Hardware Merchants, 328 Quebec Merchants Tariff, 2'J5
Hatters and Furriers, 330 Railroad Companies, . 311
Hospitals, - 2;)3 Rates and Fares of Cabs, Caleches, &c, . 2S'(
Hotels and Inns, . 331 Saddlers and Harnessmakers, 337
Incorporated Companies, ' 3 1 0 Sailmakers, 337
Jewellers, Watchmakers, &c, . . . . 333 Savings' Banks, 312
Judges, Legislative Councillors, and Mem- Sculptors, 337
bers of Parliament, 290 Ship Builders, 337
Justices of the Peace, 310 Ship Chandlers, 326
Land Agents and Accountants, . . . . 333 Silversmiths, 337
Land Surveyors, 333 Smiths, Horse-shoers, &c, 337
Leather Merchants and Tanners, . . . 333 Stage and Steamboat Offices, 33K
Literary Societies, 293 Statistics of the Trade of Quebec, . . . 306
Livery Stables, 333 Stevedores,- 338
Lloyds' Agent, 315 Surveyor of Shipping, 338
Lumber Merchants, 334 Surgical Machinists, 336
Lumber Brokers, 333 Supervisor of Cullers, . . . . . . . 338
Lumber, Charges on, 297 Tailors and Clothiers, 334
Machinists, &c 334 Tallow Chandlers, 338
Mechanics' Institute, 294 Tanners, • 333
Medical and Surgical Societies, &c, . . 292 Tavern and Innkeepers, . . . . . . . 332
Merchants' Exchange, 294 Telegraph Companies, 311
Mercantile and Literary Associations, . . 293 Timber Coves, 297
Merchant Tailors, 334 Timber, Supply and Export of, from 1846 to
Military Departments, 310 1850, 305
Milliners and Dressmakers, 335 Tin Plate Workers, 338
Mineral Water Depots, 335 Tobacconists, . 338
Musical Instrument Manufacturers, &c, 335 Trinity House, 300
Nail Manufacturers, 334 Turners, 339
National Societies, . . . . . . . . 292 Turnpike Trust, 312
Newspapers and Periodicals, 335 Watchmakers and Jewellers, 333
Notaries Public, 310 and 335 Waterworks, 311
Opticians and Instrument Makers, . . . 336 Woollen Draper, 333
Paint, Oil, Glass, &c, Dealers, and Painters, 336
NOTE.—The letters U. T. and L. T., where they occur, stand for Upper Town and Lower Town,
Hti Wbrsliip the Mayor—N. F. Belleau.
Charles Alleyn, Joseph Morrin,
Edward Boxer, Hugh Murray,
Joseph Carrier, Francis Xavier Paradis,
Alexis Dorval, Jacques P. Rheaume,
Germain Guay, Olivier Robitaille,
George Hall, James Sewell,
Paul Lepper, William S. Sewell,
William Lampson, U. J. Tessier,
Angus McDonald, Joseph Tourangeau.
John Maguire,
Sewell, (Dr.); St. Peter's Ward, Murray, Lepper, Carrier; St. Roches Ward,
Rheanme, Guay, Tourangeau, Paradis ; Palace Ward, Hall, McDonald, Morrin ;