Page 245 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 245
HOOPER, A. & D., general store, saw and grist mills—dry goods, groceries, hardware,
crockery, &c.
MACEGAN, FLORENCE, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, drugs, &c
Armstrong, Thomas, axe factory. Irons, William, shoemaker.
Aylsworth, Dr. J. B. Jones, Edward, carpenter and builder.
Black, John, tannery. McConnell, Ezekiel, tailor.
Brown, William, carpenter and builder. Madden, George, grist and saw mills.
Burdett, D. and A., tannery. Madden, Sylvester, carding and fulling mills.
Clarke, R. T., brickyard. Miller, C. H., saw mill.
Creighton, John, blacksmith. Papin, Daniel, tailor.
Clair, Dr. Joseph. Percy, John, blacksmith.
Davy, James, shoemaker. Pomeroy, John, saw mill.
Detlor, William, shoemaker. Pringle, David Y., saw mill.
Deroche, Pascal, tailor. Reynolds, Rev. Joseph, Wesleyan.
Ekens, George, cabinetmaker and turner. Roblin, 0. S., saddler.
Fullarlon, Joseph, cabinetmaker. Rook, John, tinsmith.
Finkle, Henry, carriagemaker. Scott, Rev. Thomas, Free Church.
Hookaway, William, carriagemaker. Spencer, Homer, saddler.
Hooper, A. T. G., postmaster. Stephenson & Ham, general store.
Hope, R. F., Camden house. Stickney, D. B., iron foundry.
Howell, William, carpenter and builder.
A VILLAGE situated on the post road to Toronto, in the Township of Clarke, County of Durham,
C. W.—distant from Cobourg, 26 miles—usual stage fare, 7s. 6d.—from Toronto, 47 miles—usual stage
fare, 12s. 6d. Bond Head harbour, 1| miles distant, is the Port for Newcastle, and maybe looked upon
as forming part of it—steamboat fare to Cobourg, 5s. Population about 650. Bond Head, about 200.
HEWSON, WILLIAM, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery and country pro-
MCCOY, SAMUEL, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, country produce
and lumber.
MCINTOSH & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery and country produce.
MCINTOSH & Co., flour and saw mills, Bondhead.
MCNATJGHTON <fe HUNTER, dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery and
country produce.
SELLARS & Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery and country pro-
TENNERY, JOHN E., British Canadian hotel, and stage house—an excellent house and
charges moderate. Ed.
Allan, B. M., notary public. Davy, Richard, carpenter and builder.
Allen, William, carriagemaker. Eadie, James, plasterer.
Allen, Jeremiah, carpenter and builder. Eadie, Cyril, plasterer.
Allin, Charles, cabinetmaker. Eastman, P. W., shoemaker.
Allin, Thomas, shoemaker. Eilbeck, Misses, milliners, &c.
Allin, William & Sons, carpenters and builders. Eilbeck, James, fanning mill maker.
Baker & Co., axe factory. Eilbeck, James, painter.
Baines, Joseph, pumptnaker. Equitable Fire Assurance Co. of London, Samuel
Barcoe, Richard, Wellington hotel. McCoy, agent.
Bennett, James, distillery, 1 mile west. Ferguson, Adna, carpenter and builder.
Brown, Calvin, carriagemaker. Fons, John, shoemaker,
Brock, William, nurseryman. Foster, Horace, storekeeper.
Brockenshire, John, grocer. Fox, Thomas, brickmaker.
Burley, Joseph, saw mill, Bondhead. Fuller & Beachan, cabinetmakers.
Buchan, John, saddler and harnessmaker. Gray, John, millwright.
Callicot, Thomas, blacksmith. Ham, P., tailor.
Canada Life Assurance Co., G. M. Clarke, agent. Ham, Mrs., milliner.
Clark, G. M., barrister at law. Healy, James, butcher, Bondhead.
Clark, Edward, collector of customs. Herbert, John, carpenter and builder.
Carr, Henry, shoemaker. Hotham, Richard, butcher.
Couch, William, shoemaker. Honey, Samuel, blacksmith.
Couch, William, baker. Ivory, John & William, fulling mills.
Curtis, George, tailor. Ivory, Patrick, provincial land surveyor.
Darby, Joseph, carpenter. Jobes, J., tannery.
Bttridson, James, shoemaker. Kennedy, Rev. Thomas, Church, of England.